Jira Connector - Feature sync failure "The priority selected is invalid."

Jira Align connected and syncing with an instance of Jira.


  • A newly created Feature in Jira Align fails to create a corresponding Epic in Jira.

  • No errors are seen in the Jira Align audit logs for the feature.

  • Jira Align support sees the following API error on the backend:

ResponseHeader_Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8, JsonErrors:priority=The priority selected is invalid.

What does this mean?:

  • When the Feature is created on Jira Align and given a priority, the Jira Connector attempts to create the issue on Jira via API call using the priority defined in the Jira Align work item.
  • The error generally occurs when the Jira create screen does not have Priority field included and / or the specified priority set in Jira Align for the Feature  is an invalid choice on the Jira side.

Suggestions on what to do?:

  • Work with your Jira Administrator to ensure that the priority field is available on Jira and that there is alignment between Jira and Jira Align on valid priorities that can be set.

1 comment

Tarun Sapra
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 28, 2020

Thanks Kent for sharing this tip about feature sync failure.

Like Kent Baxley likes this


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