This graph shows Jira Align page load performance trend version to version. The x-axis shows the areas under test color-coded to the production version. The y-axis shows page load times in seconds.
This table shows Jira Align page loads time in seconds. Our goal is for all pages within the application to load within three seconds. The cells are color-coded to easily show where we beat, meet, and miss our goals.
We are actively working to expand our performance dataset and will update this section as we add more work items and hierarchies.
Themes: 40
Epics: 400
Capabilities: 1,600
Features: 6,400
Stories 64,000
Objectives: 586
Portfolios: 1
Programs: 4
Teams: 415
Program Increments: 99
Sprints: 1,333
Users: 50,500
Hardware of system under test
ALB configured for IP sticky
Web servers: AWS EC2 t2.large; default storage subsystem; default network
Database Server: db.r4.xlarge; SQL Server Engine version 14.00.3223.3.v1
For more context how we gather our performance metrics please visit - Jira Align Performance Benchmark
Roman Koshovskyi
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