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Jira Align Enterprise Insights Tables Names That Don't Match the Jira Align UI Terminology

If you have Jira Align Enterprise Insights, you probably have asked yourself at one point that: "Where is the table that contains that data for...?" Eventually, you may have figured out the table by searching through the entire schema only to find out that the name of the table doesn't match the terminology used in the Jira Align UI.


Here is a list of Enterprise Insights tables where the table names don't match the terminology used in the Jira Align UI or the table name is not very obvious. Hopefully, this makes your life a little easier.


Enterprise Insights Table  Jira Align UI Terminology  Description of Data in Table 



Enterprise Insights version

Last Enterprise Insights data refresh date and time (UTC) from Jira Align

Agile Object

Platform Terminology

Mapping of Jira Align objects to customer’s terminology configured in the Platform Terminology

Custom Field List

Custom Field Multi Dropdown

Contains the values for a Custom Multi Dropdown field

Epic Benefits

Fields on Epic Benefits tab

Values for fields on the Epic Benefits form

Epic Health


Status Report health color (Budget, People, Quality, Risks, and Schedule) and reason description

Epic Intake

Fields on Epic Intake tab

Value for fields in the custom Epic Intake form

Epic Link

Predecessor & Successor

Link relationship between Epics and other work items defined on the Links tab of the Epic Detail Panel

Epic Milestone

Fixed Date Milestone

Fixed Date Milestones on Time/Skills tab for Epics

Epic Schedule

Time/Skills Schedule

Process Step Portfolio Ask, Start / Initiation and Target Completion dates on Time/Skills tab for Epics

Epic Status

Status (in Status Report)

Status (Some Risk, High Risk, On Track) of an Epic on the Status Report

Epic Value


Value Score

Questions, answers and answer score related to Scorecard and Value Scoring for Epics

Feature Team Sprint

Team Target Completion Sprint

Team Target Completion Sprint for Features on the Program Board for each team

Forecast Buffer

Buffer Management

Buffer data entered under Buffer Management section access through Plan Capacity button on Forecast

Forecast Capacity

Plan Capacity

Team capacity data entered in Plan Capacity on Forecast


Custom Hierarchy

Custom hierarchies

Hierarchy Health History



Heath and Comment data entered in a Custom Room

Jira Custom Team Mapping

Sync Jira Team Values with Jira Align Teams

Jira custom team field value mapping to Jira Align team accessed through Manage Custom Fields button in Jira Settings


Key Result

Key Results data for Objectives and Goals

Metric Values

Key Result Check In

Check In value and notes for Key Result

Organization Executive Status Dial

Status Report Dials

Schedule, Budget, Scope, Risk, Scope, and Quality percentages and notes that appear when clicking on the Executive Status Dials when viewing the Status Report by Organizational Structure

Portfolio Executive Status Dials

Status Report Dials

Schedule, Budget, Scope, Risk, Scope, and Quality percentages and notes that appear when clicking on the Executive Status Dials when viewing the Status Report by Portfolio

Program Executive Status Dials

Status Report Dials

Schedule, Budget, Scope, Risk, Scope, and Quality percentages and notes that appear when clicking on the Executive Status Dials when viewing the Status Report by Program

Program Increment Executive Status Dials

Status Report Dials

Schedule, Budget, Scope, Risk, Scope, and Quality percentages and notes that appear when clicking on the Executive Status Dials when viewing the Status Report by Release (i.e. Program Increment, Quarter, etc.)

Site Metadata


Jira Align version, instance server name, site URL, license expiration date and full and managed license

Tag List


Tag values for work item

Theme Executives Status Dials

Status Report Dials

Schedule, Budget, Scope, Risk, Scope, and Quality percentages and notes that appear when clicking on the Executive Status Dials when viewing the Status Report by Theme

Value Stream

Process Flow

Process Flow details



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