There are some scenarios where changes can exist in JA and not be pushed to Jira (like a problem with the connection, or a name change on the PI) and an update may be needed on JA to push these changes. Below, we will discuss some possible ways to do that.
Once an update is made on JA, be it through the UI, API, or Import, it will mark the entry as to be pushed to Jira, so these are possible ways to accomplish it for multiple items.
To use the API to do this, it would be possible to do a PUT or a PATCH on an item, or list of them, to mark them as updated. One possible idea is to add a tag on it, to mark the work item.
If using PATCH, a similar syntax could be used to create a tag on the item:
If the only tag present is the one added by the connector (with the “j:”), it will be overwritten but this command, but on the next cycle, re-added. Now, if there are multiple tags, you will need to use as a value, the entire list of tags adding the new one if you want, to avoid losing any of them.
Or, if you don't have the Priority set, you can update it from null to null:
In case there are multiple items to be updated, some sort of automation should be used to control the API calls to all the items.
It is possible to export the impacted items and do an import in the sequence, without altering the data. This will trigger JA into “seeing" an update on them and marking them to be pushed to Jira.
To do the export:
Set the Config bar to display the data you want (like Program + PI)
Go to the desired grid (Features/Stories)
Click on More Options > Export <work_item> > click on the export button
To import them:
Set the Config bar to display the data you want (like Program + PI)
Go to the desired grid (Features/Stories)
Click on More Options > Import <work_item> Select the Program > Browse (to select the file) > Import Data
You can also alter the exported data, like adding a tag to all entries, to make it easier to track later on which items were updated this way.
It is possible to use the Mass Move option to “move" items between the current Program + PI, to the same Program + PI, which will trigger an update on JA, and push them to Jira.
To use the Mass Move:
Set the Config bar to display the data you want (like Program + PI)
Go to the desired grid (Features/Stories)
Click on More Options > Mass Move
On the MOVE FROM section, select the desired work item type, the current Program, and Program Increment
On the MOVE TO section, select the same Program and Program Increment
Mark all the items you want to update and click on Save Changes
Last, but not least, if you are working on a small list of impacted items, you can simply do a manual update on the UI, to force them to be pushed to Jira. In this case, just open the slide-out panel of the item, add a “." to the description, and hit save.
Victor Fragoso