**Updated to reflect recent changes to Jira Align in Version 10.81**
One of the most powerful aspects of Jira Align is the functionality it provides around dependency management. One question that always comes up though is...
"I have a team that's not in Jira Align...can I issue them a dependency?"
You bet you can! Within Jira Align there is the concept of an External Entity that a dependency can be associated with. This functionality is not typically on by default, so in order to enable the functionality do the following:
You'll be presented with the following screen where you'll be able to configure toggles to enable external entity selection for dependencies (as well as other selection types).
Now that the functionality is enabled in the system (yay!), we also need to enable the ability to create External Entities for each System Role (note that you only need this permission if you are going to create/edit/delete a new External Entity...everyone will be able to select one as long as you have enabled the functionality outlined earlier). To give a Role the permission to modify an External Entity, do the following:
Hit Save at the bottom of the screen and that's it!
Now that everything is enabled and you have the permission to create an External Entity, let's add one to a dependency! To do this, got to the Dependencies Grid and in the top right corner click on More Actions > Manage External Entities.
In the window that opens, add the Entity name and Owner (a Jira Align user who will be the proxy for the External Entity), then click Add.
That's it! Close the window and when you create a dependency you will see the entity you selected within the External option when specifying who your team is dependent on.
To learn more about the amazing power of dependencies within Jira Align, check out the following Dependency Overview page.
Mark Cruth
Atlassian's Modern Work Evangelist
Detroit, Michigan
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