A Jira Align Story synced from Jira is Marked Accepted but Progress Bar shows Pending Approval


Jira Align connected to and syncing with a Jira instance.


  • Stories in Jira are marked Resolved / Accepted.

  • When the stories sync over to Jira Align the status in the story grid shows the story as Accepted, but, the progress indicator only shows one blue bar, instead of the expected four green ones:

  • Accepted progress bar.png
  • What to do?

    • This situation typically indicates that the administrator forgot to create a Jira Align State mapping corresponding to the Jira State of “Done”.  Please see the steps below to fix this:

      • Log in to the Jira Align site as an administrator.
      • Navigate to Jira Align Administration → Jira Settings → State Mapping tab.

      • Select “Story” from the drop down menu.

      • Under “Jira State Desc” look for any states labeled “Done” and check the Jira Align State currently mapped to it.

      • If the Jira Align State set to “0-Pending Approval”, this is the root cause of the incorrect status bar in the grid above. By default, the Jira Align State is “Pending Approval” if no selection is made.

      • Change the Jira Align State to “4-Test Complete” and save the changes.

    • Other work may be required to ensure the story gets moved into the Accepted state. The information below goes over the “Done” status and what's needed to move a story to Accepted:
      • The Accepted state for stories is not configured on the State Mapping panel, as the Accepted status from Jira Software to Jira Align is based off of the Accepted Date field. The Accepted Date field is configured in the Jira Align Administration > Jira Settings > Jira Setup tab in the Custom Fields section.

      • A combination of Done + Resolution states in Jira Software is required in order to transition a story's state to Accepted in Jira Align.

      • The synchronization of story issue types between Jira Software and Jira Align is bi-directional.

      • If an issue in Jira Software is in a status that is not mapped to a state in Jira Align, the Jira Align state will default to 0 - Pending Approval.

1 comment

Peter Jessen
Rising Star
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December 7, 2019

@Kent Baxley,

The other situations I've run into where this happens is when:

  1. The Jira Align administrator has properly mapped the agreed-upon standard states for all Jira Issue Types, but a team is using a non-approved, non-standard workflow that includes resolution states other than Done or Accepted. 
  2. The the Jira Align administrator properly mapped a Canceled state in Jira Align under ADMIN -> Jira Settings -> State Mapping tab -> Jira Canceled State ID, but one or more teams have changed their workflows to use a different, non-mapped state for cancelled.


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