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how do you make emoticons bigger?

Gray Vickers January 14, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Fun with emoticons

I see the @4x and such but there's not instruction on how to actually make the emoticon bigger. How to do i make the default be the largest size?

18 answers

17 votes
Micah Barsness April 8, 2016

I would agree with Zach.. I'd like to make custom emoticons bigger. It shouldnt be global setting but rather a "per user" setting.

Ghada Yehya October 29, 2017

so me i would like make it bigger 

14 votes
Tyler Young August 19, 2016

My company implemented a permanent fix for this issue.

We moved to Slack, which is coded to recognize the difference between in-line emoticons and free-standing reactions (and does other things really nicely also).

Alex Zemke March 15, 2017

Best comment

Gábor Imre March 24, 2017


Like Rabbit likes this
Deleted user May 8, 2017


Like Rabbit likes this
Gábor Imre July 7, 2017

Well. We also applied this permanent fix. It really makes standalone reaction emoticons bigger. 

Tony Poetz January 4, 2018


Jason Welch June 25, 2018

lmfao, thanks..made me almost spit soda on my keyboard.

6 votes
Artur J
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 14, 2016

Hi Gray,

The 4x version is to cover retina devices +1 above what's currently the highest in our clients (@3x on an iPhone 6 plus) not for larger sizes. The reason we don't allow sizes larger than the 30x30 box is because emoticons always exist alongside text.

Emoticons are restricted to a smaller size, like emoji, and are constrained specifically to play well with your messages — the main thing you use HipChat for.

Zach Josebeck April 6, 2016

I don't know about everyone else, but here at my office, we respond with emoticons...lots and lots of emoticons.  Everyone in my office complains that there is no way to make them larger, especially when sent alone (without accompanying text).  A feature to add perhaps smile?

Jon Da Cruz April 21, 2016


Tyler Young April 22, 2016

Yeah guys, don't assume you know what you want. Even if it lines up with something a large number of other people have been asking for, chances are you're wrong about wanting that.

Like Rabbit likes this
Juanjo Garay May 10, 2016

+1 to Zach Josebeck' comment

Emil Lundberg June 8, 2016

+1 laugh

John Rakowski June 10, 2016

I would strongly recommend allowing the user to define when to use the bigger size. 

For example, we already know there are different scaled sizes stored on the server. 

size @2x


size @4x



So... why not let me define it when typing in the emoticon code?

Something like, (jimcarryitwasme@4x) or (jimcarryitwasme)@4x 

Then the end user knows they can get it big enough for the receiver to see all the text and animation.


OR maybe allow the receiver to click on the emoticon and it will pop out a little bit and show a 4x version of it. However, I like the idea that I can choose the size by overriding the default. 


Thank you Atlassian, I love all your products!

Clayton Cole July 27, 2016

i would certainly love to be able to make use of the larger emoticons myself. i'm sure you'll find this to be a popular feature among users. 

Mark Corrigan August 19, 2016


Scott Jefferd October 20, 2016

(upvote) John Rakowski comment. Atlassian, customers are asking...  pretty cool product but not responding to customer requests in a marketplace with lots of competing solutions is not a winning formula. Seems like a simple change to make, John's suggestion is a perfect compromise. Just do it!

jkphoto December 29, 2016

+1 Atlassian, Just do it

Alexander Wilden March 3, 2017


Luis Cabrera March 3, 2017


Alex Zemke March 15, 2017


JoshMcCullough March 16, 2017

The obvious solution here is to use a LARGE icon when I add a message which is only the icon, e.g. "(excellent)" – shows up as the 2x version. Maybe I can do "(excellent:lg)" or "(excellent:4x)" as well, to control the size myself.

This seems like it should be pretty/very straightforward to implement. 

Billy Dinsmore June 15, 2017

Skype displays larger emoticons when it is not accompanied by text and smaller when it is. SKYPE! Please add functionality. Otherwise we are just going to keep sending full sized gifs via copy and paste and I can't imagine that is great for your bandwidth.

Emil Varona September 7, 2017

For reference, Apple Messages will display large emoticons when sent 1.) without text and 2.) sent in a group of 3 or less. Wouldn't this model work?

Scott Morgan September 22, 2017

Yep, was just trying to figure out how to get this to work.  Sadly it doesn't,

Raymond C November 29, 2017

+1000  for this Bigger size of EMOTICON!!!

Deleted user February 13, 2018

Pleeease Atlassian, do this!

Jesse Ivy February 23, 2018

(corpsethumb) Ha.
No really though. I need a larger corpse thumb...
et cetera.

The option to display malformed text is the customer's prerogative. We are customers. The community has spoken. Repeatedly. Please help us. We love your shrinker ray and want full access to the tool. Make it customizable on a case by case basis. Default it to the tiny version. Just put a plus so we can dial it up when need be.

Thank you,


Springfield, Oregon

Chris Mayer June 13, 2018

So... not to bring up sore subjects... BUT... your own employee used emoticons in larger format in a blog post they created... WTF?


Please help us want to stick with Atlassian. Your team needs to listen to its user base, not assume you know what we want...

Oh and that inline stuff looks a bit below the line actually, what's up with that? 

Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 8.08.05 AM.png

4 votes
Blake Duffey June 2, 2017

We use hipchat - and the #1 complaint we hear is 'why can't I make bigger emoticons?'


It really is odd that other products (Slack, MS Teams) is responding to this need but Atlassian is not.

Black Hat July 7, 2017

Simple. Atlassian doesn't care about their users. They only make what they want. If they won't use it, they won't make it.

4 votes
alex_sherwin May 4, 2017

Got sick of waiting for Atlassian to actually let users use bigger icons... and all the workarounds I've seen/heard of are horrible.

Just reverse engineered the app a bit (thanks Atlassian for including source maps of your React app) and figured out how to do this, I'll write up a blog post somewhere with explicit details, but the gist of it is this:

  1. Upload an emoitcon through the webapp as normal
  2. Log into the server, connect to mysql, find your icon entry in the 'emoticons' table, update the width/height values from 30 to something higher (I doubled everything, so 60 here)
  3. Use the info from the emoticon table entry row to find the 4 PNG files on the server under /file_store/cumulus/posixdata/f (there will be a .png, @2x.png @3x.png and @4x.png)
  4. Copy the 4 PNG's and their associated .meta files locally
  5. Create new versions of all 4 PNG's, so the regular is 60x60, @2x is 120x120, @3x is 180x180 and @4x is 240x240
  6. Fix the .meta files, these files contain the md5sum of your images (so get the md5sum of each of your 4 new images)
  7. Move your new files back onto the server and overwrite them in /file_store/cumulus/posixdata/f
  8. On the server, run "redis-cli" to connect to the redis instance
  9. Run "GET emoticons:1" to get the in-memory cache of the emoticon metadata that HipChat is using (it looks like JSON but its not)
  10. Modify the width/height of your icon in this data
  11. Put this data into a new file on your server on a single line as a redis set command, like this: "SET emoticons:1 [data]"
  12. Tell redis-cli to evaluate your file:  cat file | redis-cli --pipe
  13. Restart your HipChat client so it downloads new icon metadata (it will re-render all the exisitng emoticons with the new metadata sizes)

I'll probably put this all together into a docker utility to do it in one easy shot


Todd Plesniak August 1, 2018

screen shot or it didn't happen. Sorry those the rules of the internet.

Joe Red August 23, 2018


3 votes
Tyler Young June 8, 2016

One thing you can do is copy the source of the preview image that pops up when you start typing an emoticon, then paste it and change the "@2x" to "@4x". I made myself a little macro that does it, since it doesn't look like they are ever going to build this in.

  1. Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 11.08.56 AM.png
  2. Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 11.09.26 AM.png
  3. Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 11.10.22 AM.png
  4. Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 11.12.20 AM.png
Micah Barsness June 10, 2016

thats strange it wont let  me right click on the image...

Tyler Young June 10, 2016

I'm using the web client on a mac, fwiw.

Kamil Stadryniak March 2, 2017

Hi there @Micah Barsness , if you can't right click the popup image (neither can I) then just sent it to yourself as a private message and then right click on it.

Btw. @Tyler Young how can I create such a macro myself and how it works?

Rebecca (RKN) July 26, 2017

@Tyler Young: thanks!


2 votes
Andrew March 3, 2017

We could not live without this function in my office and were forced to implement our own solution via a Build Your Own Integration.  When users call for an emoticon by using "/big (emoticon)" instead of the regular "(emoticon)" call, the script searches the emoticon list and then inserts the "4x" variant of the picture into the chat stream:

image2017-3-3 13:59:40.png

First you need an admin to set up a personal token which allows access to the "View Groups" scope.  This allows the integration script access to retrieve the emoticon list.

You also need to set up a Build Your Own Integration for the script in the room of choice.  This will generate a room token, show you the room number, and allow you to create a command string (we use /big).

Lastly the script is php and can be hosted wherever you like. It needs to be populated with the emoticon token, the room token, the room number, and the address of your chat server in the header section:

    //Setup system tokens
    $token='<Room token string goes here>';
    $admintoken='<Admin "View Groups" scope token here>';
	$room=<room number>;
	$server='<Server Host Name>';

	//Read request data

	//Isolate message text and strip out extra characters
    $text=preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 \/]/", '', $message->message);

    //Isolate the emoticon name
    $text=substr($text,strpos($text,'/big '));

    //Trim trailing characters if any
    if (strpos($text,' ')!==false) {
		$text=substr($text,0,strpos($text,' '));
	if ($text!=""){
	    //If the emoticon string is non-empty, connect to the chat server and pull the emoticon list.
		$emoticons=file_get_contents('https://' . $server . '/v2/emoticon?auth_token=' . $admintoken . '&max-results=1000');

		if ($eloc!==false){
		    //If a matching emoticon is found, generate a URL for the 4x image size file
			$emoticons=substr($emoticons,0,-4) . '@4x' . substr($emoticons,-4,4);
		    //Generate chat display message
			$text='<img src=' . $emoticons . '>';
			//Send json message reply with the large emoticon
			$curl = curl_init();
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $server . '/v2/room/' . $room . '/notification?auth_token=' . $token);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,'{"color":"green","message":"' . $text .'","notify":false,"message_format":"html"}');
			curl_exec ($curl);
			curl_close ($curl);
		} else {
			//If a matching emoticon is NOT found
			//Generate a a "Not Found" reply
			$curl = curl_init();
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $server . '/v2/room/' . $room . '/notification?auth_token=' . $token);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,'{"color":"green","message":"Not Found' . $text . '","notify":false,"message_format":"text"}');
			curl_exec ($curl);
			curl_close ($curl);
	} else {
		//If an empty emoticon string is recieved, send a general error message
		$curl = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
		curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $server . '/v2/room/' . $room . '/notification?auth_token=' . $token);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,'{"color":"green","message":"Request Error","notify":false,"message_format":"text"}');
		curl_exec ($curl);
		curl_close ($curl);

The downside to this method is that tokens need to be generated and new copies of the script made for EVERY room that needs this functionality. 

At this time of this comment, making a "Global" script is significantly more complex; it requires you to build a HipChat Connect Integration which has all kinds of very complicated OAuth handshakes to do.  I am not a coder and could not figure it out.  https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/35765694/can-you-build-your-own-integration-in-hipchat-cloud-that-can-access-all-rooms

1 vote
Randall Mitchell January 22, 2018

The best explanation for your unwillingness to allow this change to go through that I can see on this page is that HipChat is primarily used for textual communications and that having larger images hurts that textual communication by negatively affecting the layout of those lines of text.

I think you either have designers making this decision or your UX guru is missing the point of emoticons.  Text is a horrible form of casual communication.  Add this to the fact that most of us are communicating in industry specific [dry] terms, and the problem becomes amplified.

That is why emoticons exist.

We use emoticons and new forms of language to improve the experience of casual text based chat.  Emoticons allow us the ability to still seem human in a chat room full of business.  This isn't just play.  It is team building.  It is company culture.  It is softening tough language since you don't have the ability to do it with your eyes, smile, hands, arms, shoulders, head position (there are plenty of emoticons that literally provide this sort of body language from within a textual conversation). It is emphasis for praise.  It is the ability to break the silence in the room with a gesture, rather than words.  Emoticons provide human communications in chat room.

HipChat is our lobby.  It's our break room.  It's our impromptu meeting room.  It's our bulletin board. It's our water cooler.  Companies literally have chat rooms with these names.  Think through these use cases.

Is clean line spacing more important than expressiveness in these situations.  Are you preferring form over function?  Are you holding back our communication? (Me squinting at an animated Homer Simpson emoticons says yes). Are you making our communications more mundane because you want paragraphs to look like paragraphs [when we need paragraphs, we use Confluence]?

Please free the emoticons.

- Randall

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2017

Hi All!


Just wanted to point out that Stride has large emojis. 😊 That is all. 

Raymond C December 21, 2017

@lauren What is the Stride? Are you suggesting we d use different chat tool, rather than hipchat? We are just wondering how we could put big emoji just on HIPCHAT. changing to new chat tool will be the last choice not applicable for this thread.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2017

It is another Atlassian product! Here's the website - https://www.stride.com/

Raymond C December 21, 2017

Is this quite different than Hipchat? I mean.. is it another upgraded version of Hipchat, or quite different tool?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2017

It is like Hipchat, but with additional collaboration tools. If you are on Hipchat Cloud, you will automatically moved to Stride eventually. 

1 vote
Greg Havener August 24, 2017


The emoticons are too small, half the custom images we've uploaded are not very recognizable.  Many times we have to resort to pasting in an image or link to an image.  Would save me so much time if we could just specify an image size, or automatically scale it up if there is no text accompanying the emote.

1 vote
Steffen Heilos July 12, 2017


Honestly, Atlassian, if you refuse to provide bigger images sizes, that feature is mostly useless since you cannot recognize a thing. We're all having Full-HD screens nowaday.

What am I supposed to recognize in an image smaller than my little fingers nail?!? Did you ever hear the term "thumbnail"? Why would that be...

1 vote
JoshMcCullough November 30, 2016

I'm curious how (tableflip) is allowed to be so wide. If we could add rectangular emoticons it would help a lot! But I agree, they should be larger.

0 votes
Adrian K. May 15, 2018

anything new on this one.. after so many years?? Classic!

Tyler Young July 27, 2018

Latest update is that HipChat is getting absorbed into Slack, so my answer is the right one!

0 votes
Dainius March 22, 2018

Freedom for emoticons!

0 votes
Randall Mitchell January 22, 2018

The best explanation for your unwillingness to allow this change to go through that I can see on this page is that HipChat is primarily used for textual communications and that having larger images hurts that textual communication by negatively affecting the layout of those lines of text.

I think you either have designers making this decision or your UX guru is missing the point of emoticons.  Text is a horrible form of casual communication.  Add this to the fact that most of us are communicating in industry specific [dry] terms, and the problem becomes amplified.

That is why emoticons exist.

We use emoticons and new forms of language to improve the experience of casual text based chat.  Emoticons allow us the ability to still seem human in a chat room full of business.  This isn't just play.  It is team building.  It is company culture.  It is softening tough language since you don't have the ability to do it with your eyes, smile, hands, arms, shoulders, head position (there are plenty of emoticons that literally provide this sort of body language from within a textual conversation). It is emphasis for praise.  It is the ability to break the silence in the room with a gesture, rather than words.  Emoticons provide human communications in chat room.

HipChat is our lobby.  It's our break room.  It's our impromptu meeting room.  It's our bulletin board. It's our water cooler.  Companies literally have chat rooms with these names.  Think through these use cases.

Is clean line spacing more important than expressiveness in these situations.  Are you preferring form over function?  Are you holding back our communication? (Me squinting at an animated Homer Simpson emoticons says yes). Are you making our communications more mundane because you want paragraphs to look like paragraphs [when we need paragraphs, we use Confluence]?

Please free the emoticons.

- Randall

0 votes
Kevin Nam November 3, 2017


can't tell if it's jesus or an aborted fetus

you have such great meme emoticons tho!

0 votes
Sebastian FRANCO November 18, 2016


...and a free reaction gif to go : HipChat developpers, your Mission if you wish to accept it...

0 votes
Micah Barsness June 10, 2016

@Tyler Young

Can you be more specific about the source that you are talking about? Maybe even post your macro here?!

Tyler Young June 10, 2016

I edited my answer to include screenshots of each step. I'm not going to post the macro (it requires separate software).

Scott Jefferd October 20, 2016

Not sure if you're using something like AutoHotkey... would be pretty easy to use it to auto-expand stuff to what you want with a bit of fiddling.  True it's a rather clumsy solution to this problem, but AutoHotKey is the shizz for automating Windows type activities.

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