Created Aug 15, 2023, Last active Feb 2, 2025
Dear Forge Bitbucket Team, Currently, the resolver context does not contain the workspace ID, which is needed for almost every API call. Workspace-related API calls are not yet supported in Forge a...
Dear Bitbucket Forge team, With the EAP, we've got Forge modules to extend the Bitbucket Repository UI (although we are still eagerly waiting to see a module to extend the pull request create page w...
Hello! I can see that the forge api npm module has dedicated functions to authorize the user to jira or confluence resources (see [here](
Hello together, I wanted to create a first test for an App Idea I had recently. I was able to implement everything, however I struggle with accessing the storage to read data in an UI Kit Component...
While we are all eagerly awaiting support for PvA apps, will there be an in-product Marketplace similar to the one in Compass that would allow users to discover and install privately distributed apps...
I understand that it isn't easy, but is there a target date for this?
Right now, you can't build a paid app for Bitbucket Cloud unless I am mistaken. This is a blocker for vendors of commercial apps. Is there a plan and target date to remove this blocker?
My idea was to try and create a little "hello world" Repository overview card in typescript using the following repository as an example.
This is just a quick post to confirm we are live with the Bitbucket Cloud x Forge EAP, so that all the newly added members will get a notification letting them know we're up and running!
Welcome to the EAP for Forge in Bitbucket Cloud! We’re extremely excited to be kicking off the next chapter in the Bitbucket Cloud story. We have a range of exciting changes and enhancements coming...
This group will also provide a space for the community to share ideas, get support, and engage with the engineering team implementing the ability for Bitbucket Cloud to be customised via Forge.
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