steps needed to update an container id to ip address for crucible.

vineethsamala September 1, 2020

When I am trying to create an application link from bamboo to crucible application and display URL are showing different.



Bamboo is running as a standalone and Crucible is running on docker container.

In order to fix my issue i need to update URL for Crucible under application navigator tab. but i don't see any edit option. please guide me on this.picture-2.PNG




Vineeth Samala.

1 answer

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vineethsamala September 1, 2020

Here is my current Crucible url:  http://8e09c322cc73:8080/ which is under the application navigator tab. I can't update this manually in the console. The work around for this is update the on the database side.


Below is the table where i found the url info.


SELECT * from cru_repository_property;

| com.atlassian.troubleshooting.plugin-fecru
44 | <ALL_REPOS> | com.atlassian.plugins.custom_apps.customAppsAsJSON | 1027EF04ED3D1E520A5
1927CC41EBA979C9D5271A84354E6FF5578DF1CFB2DDB | [{"baseUrl":"http://8e09c322cc73:8080/","applicationType":"fecru","hide":false,"displayName":"C


please provide me the steps to take the backup of db and sql query to update App url and display url.



Vineeth Samala.

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