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setting up both internal & external URLs for fisheye

Ming Ho
April 27, 2014

I already have fisheye setup. Now I need to put fisheye behind an external proxy. How can I go about doing this? basically, I want to have something like this:<br< a="">><br< a="">>
We already have the first URL for a few years. Now, there is a need of exposing it externally. I tried this solution but, some of the statics content are not show up properly. Any suggestion?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 28, 2014

Please ensure you've set the site URL for fisheye.

This is done in the admin section, under "Server". Set this to the value your users will use to access to fisheye via the proxy.

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