Is it possible to add the status option while reply comments in crucible?

Urmimala Biswal July 28, 2016

Hi All,


While add the comments in crucible, we can give the status (Accepted, Rejected, ..) by select option "Defect", But if we reply for the same comments , there is no option about the status.

Is it possible to add the status while reply comments in crucible?





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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 28, 2016

Hello, status you're referring to is a ranking of defect, which can be configured by a system administrator of your instance, thus you have statuses like Accepted, Rejected. However, comments or replies to comments can not have status. We have open FR request to allow mark defect as completed. You can track it here:


Best regards,

Grzegorz Lewandowski

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