How to send out email notifications?

September 29, 2011


This blog, states that"now you can automatically or manually notify reviewers" and shows a screenshot. The screenshot isn't clear on what screen the pop-up window can be accessed from. I'm guessing it should be the review's main page and clicking on the "Tools" menu. I am evaluating Crucible 2.7.4 and the "Email Review" and "Send Reminder" are not options in the "Tools" menu. Where should I be able to access this?

Also, I would have thought that an email notification would have been sent out to all reviewers when the review was completed. Is this not the case? Can it be set as an option somewhere?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 30, 2011

Hi Shelli,

The Email Review and Send Reminder options are only available if you have setup an SMTP server for Crucible. If you have not, email functionality will not be enabled. For more information on review reminders, please see our documentation.

Emails are also sent to review authors when review participants make a review as completed, as well as when comments are left and defects raised. This is also subject to the SMTP server being configured.

October 4, 2011

Thanks! Yes, the options show up once I've set up the SMTP server config. I think it would be better (cause less confusion) if the menu items were still displayed, but disabled until the SMTP config is done.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 5, 2011

Thanks for the idea - I'll raise the idea internally!

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