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How to deal with submodules in Fisheye

kevin conroy July 18, 2018

So we are evaluating Fisheye.

Our git repos are large, with 12 or more submodules, some using LFS.

When devs implement a feature, they may change one or more submodules, as well as the parent project which will use the updated APIs from the submodules; the changes are tightly coupled.

  • When I browse the parent repo tree, where are those submodules?
  • Does Fisheye recursively pull all of them?
  • No support for GIT-LFS?

I'm trying to work out a usage paradigm for this - I appreciate that when a developer commits a change to the parent repo, changing the revision/commit of a sub module, they might be using the work of someone else, and mandating that a review includes the changes on the submodule commit is not valid.. but it would be nice to have that option.

Is the way we're supposed to use it basically unrolling our tree and adding all the submodules and parent repos separately, maybe gathering them together in a FishEye project? Then picking up the separate commits into a single review?


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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 20, 2018

Hi @kevin conroy,

While I don't have the answer to all your questions, let me share with you that submodules are not fully supported in Fisheye.

There is an existing feature request here:

FE-3828 - Add support for indexing git submodules

You can join the conversation there as well as see if the comments on the request help to clarify some of your points.




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