How to copy all crucible notification emails to particular email?

ViktorT December 11, 2011

I'd like to recieve a email every time when review participant create a comment. Is there any workaround to do that?

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Atlassian Team
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December 12, 2011

All review participants will recieve an email for each comment made (and depending on the profile setting, the comments are batched or individually sent). If you are not a review participant, you will not get an email.

Right now, there isn't a way to add 'watchers' to reviews - that is, they aren't a review participant, but still recieve notifications.

You might workaround that by subscribing to the RSS feed of reviews for the project, but that will give you all comments for all reviews in that project. Alternatively, there is an email review function in the tools menu that allows a user with view review permission to send that review as an email to anyone (either a user or an arbituary email address).

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