How do I resolve a 503 Response code when installing/configuring FishEye?

Peter Bernier March 11, 2012

I'm trying to install/configure FishEye as per the instructions on Atlassian's website, but either the web server for the install doesn't start properly (and I see multiple exception message in the command window), or I get a 503 Response code when I try to access the installation link.

How can I get past this?

(answer forthcoming, logging for reference...)

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Peter Bernier March 11, 2012

The [installation instructions][1] currently aren't clear, especially on a Windows environment.

Here's what you need to do (in my case on a Windows system).

1. Extract the fisheye archive to the directory where you're intending to run Fisheye from. (on my system, I made this <drive>:\Atlassian\FishEye).
2. Create a directory for your data. (I made this <drive>:\Application Data\FishEye)
3. Create an environment variable (Window System Variable) named 'FISHEYE_INST' and set it to the path you created in Step 2. ('INST' in this case means *instance* and not *installation folder*.
4. Copy the 'config.xml' file from <extracted_archive> to your FISHEYE_INST folder.
4. Open a command prompt and run the &lt;extracted archive&gt;\bin\run.bat file. (ie <drive>:\Atlassian\FishEye\bin\run.bat).
- The online documentation is a little misleading at this point. They indicate that you run 'start.bat', which won't work (or at least, it wouldn't work for me...)

6. Open a browser and point it to 'http://localhost:8060'.

Following the steps above let me get FishEye up and running without any further issues.


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