Granting subversion access to external user

Deleted user February 1, 2012

Most of our team logs in via Google Apps, but we also need to have some external users. The external user in question can log into the website, but cannot see any SVN repositories in Crucible, nor check out any code with an svn client. The user is in a group that grants our other users rw access to the code.

How can we grant this external user access to the code?

2 answers

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Deleted user February 16, 2012

This was a configuration problem on Atlassian's side, now fixed.

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Michael Knight
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 2, 2012

Hi Mike,

There's nothing inherent about GApps users or external users that would affect their permissions in such a way. You should check that this user has Application Access to FishEye.

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