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Fisheye rest api to get query data

ChandraG March 5, 2017


We are using fisheye rest api to get query data like below :

https://host:port/rest-service-fe/search-v1/queryAsRows/<Repo>?query=select revisions order by date desc limit 10

which was working fine for V3.9 but when we upgrade to 4.3 it stopped working..Any idea..? Is this API deprecated OR any alternate available ?




2 answers

1 vote
Vitalii Petrychuk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 5, 2017

Hi Chandra,

Looks like this bug is introduced in 4.3.

It fails when the query returns a date (which you may exclude to have query working but honestly I would suggest going another path).

In 4.3 we have added a Delta lines of code report (https://host:port/plugins/servlet/dloc-report/<repo>) which has an export functionality you may use to get the data you want in CSV format. Modifying the query you may get whatever you want.




0 votes
a594141 March 7, 2017

Hi @Vitalii Petrychuk

Is there any alternate Fisheye REST API available, where we can use EyeQL query and get results in any specific format(xml/json); without using Search console, for version 4.3


Vitalii Petrychuk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2017

At the moment, unfortunately no. However once FE-6794 is fixed you may resume using /rest-service-fe/search-v1.

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