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Fisheye authentication problem

Pravin Raajendiran April 14, 2015


I've Crowd 2.5.3 and Fisheye 3.7.1 running on separate machines. I've configured Fisheye to authenticate against Crowd but for some reason the users can't authenticate. The log confirms the handshake between Fisheye and Crowd and from what I see, the Crowd responds with a session information (successful validation of password?) but Fisheye simply refuses to go past the login screen.


2015-04-15 12:58:32,878 DEBUG [qtp335710749-214 ] httpclient.wire.content Wire-wire - << "<session expand="user"><token>qRgE8F7b0Nb5DKs3bonRCA00</token><user name="pravin"><link rel="self" href="http://intranet-box-1:8095/crowd/rest/usermanagement/1/user?username=pravin"/><first-name>Pravin</first-name><last-name>Raajendiran</last-name><display-name>Pravin Raajendiran</display-name><email></email><password><link rel="edit" href="http://intranet-box-1:8095/crowd/rest/usermanagement/1/user/password?username=pravin"/></password><active>true</active><attributes><link rel="self" href="http://intranet-box-1:8095/crowd/rest/usermanagement/1/user/attribute?username=pravin"/></attributes></user><link rel="self" href="http://intranet-box-1:8095/crowd/rest/usermanagement/1/session/qRgE8F7b0Nb5DKs3bonRCA00"/></session>"
2015-04-15 12:58:32,878 DEBUG [qtp335710749-214 ] fisheye Timer-output - <- CrowdAuth.authenticate() time 579 millis mem_usage = 202946392 heapsize = 411566080 freemem = 208619688
2015-04-15 12:58:32,883 DEBUG [qtp335710749-214 ] fisheye PreferenceManager-makeCookie - adding cookie / str=D%3D1429066712883
2015-04-15 12:58:32,884 DEBUG [qtp335710749-214 ] fisheye PreferenceManager-makeCookie - adding cookie / str=D%3D1429066712884
2015-04-15 12:58:32,891 DEBUG [qtp335710749-214 ] fisheye ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request in 598ms POST /login?rememberme=on&username=pravin&origUrl=&atl_token=&password=XXXX sessionid=vmd0b3xt65g0adfzo12odojl 302
2015-04-15 12:58:32,894 DEBUG [qtp335710749-213 ] fisheye ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - start request GET /?_redir=login&_redir=login&_redir=login&_redir=login sessionid=vmd0b3xt65g0adfzo12odojl
2015-04-15 12:58:32,897 DEBUG [qtp335710749-213 ] fisheye PreferenceManager-makeCookie - adding cookie / str=D%3D1429066712897
2015-04-15 12:58:32,901 DEBUG [qtp335710749-213 ] fisheye Timer-output - -> CrowdAuth.checkRequest() mem_usage = 203490184 heapsize = 411566080 freemem = 208075896
2015-04-15 12:58:32,902 DEBUG [qtp335710749-213 ] fisheye Timer-output - <- CrowdAuth.checkRequest() time 1 millis mem_usage = 203490184 heapsize = 411566080 freemem = 208075896
2015-04-15 12:58:32,934 DEBUG [qtp335710749-213 ] fisheye ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request in 40ms GET /?_redir=login&_redir=login&_redir=login&_redir=login sessionid=vmd0b3xt65g0adfzo12odojl 200

I used the 'Authentication Test' feature in Crowd to make sure the users are able to login to the Fisheye instance. 



2 answers

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Answer accepted
Pravin Raajendiran April 14, 2015

I solved the problem. It appeared that the Secure SSO cookie was enabled in Crowd and the Fisheye wasn't using SSL/TLS. When I added a SSL certificate for Fisheye, it all worked out as expected!


0 votes
Pravin Raajendiran April 14, 2015

Actually I've got it to work with SSO disabled. But doesn't work when SSO is enabled. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here..

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