Fisheye/Crubicle User Exceeded warning, how to get rid of it?

Patrick Suteja January 1, 2014

Under Settings -> Application Access, FishEye/Crucible , it says 1 exceeded.

Currently we are not using Fish Eye at all. Probably previous admin was using trial license. Now, how do I unlink this Fish Eye? I've searched all settings including users account but couldn't find any link to Fish Eye account.

Please help.

3 answers

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JolyonKB April 24, 2014

There is an open issue for this on AOD: AOD-5952 which says this is a 'harmless error.' Apparently it can only be removed by issuing a request to atlassian support.

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Patrick Suteja January 16, 2014

I couldn't see Systems Settings > System Info and then click the 'Edit License' option. Does it make any different if I'm OnDemand?

The closest one I have relating to FishEye is via Administration -> Add-ons -> Manage add-ons -> FishEye -> Manage -> Disable.

Even after disabling it, under Administrations -> User Management -> Application Access, FishEye/Crubicle still shows 1 exceeded.

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Rising Star
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January 10, 2014

You can disable FishEye by deleting the license key.

In the Administration screen go to Systems Settings > System Info and then click the 'Edit License' button.
Clear the FishEye License box and click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

Please note that you need to reindex any repositories that you previously had indexed in FishEye.
See also the What happens if I decide to stop using FishEye with Crucible page.

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