Fisheye 4.7.0 Build 20190214100246 - database migration from MySQL 5.5 to MySQL5.7 fails

David Culbertson July 29, 2019

I am trying to upgrade my fisheye database from MySQL 5.5 to 5.7.  I have set up a new MySQL server on a different machine.  On the fisheye Database Configuration screen, I can connect to the existing DB and the newly created DB on the new server.  In when I click the Save & Migrate button, I get the following:


Starting ActiveObjects backup...
* Backing up Database Information
* Backing up Table Definitions
Skipping ActiveObjects due to exceptionCould not read fields for table ao_563aee_activity_entity
Creating table definitions...
Table 'fisheye.cwd_group_attributes' doesn't exist
Database migration failed: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'fisheye.cwd_group_attributes' doesn't exist
1 rows written, 0 tables completed.
3 rows written, 1 tables completed.
10 rows written, 3 tables completed.
10 rows written, 4 tables completed.
10 rows written, 5 tables completed.
Adding database constraints...
Problem with constraints script C:\Atlassian\fecru-4.7.0\sql\MYSQL\schema\constraints_107.sql
Database migration failed: com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.CruDBException: Problem with constraints script C:\Atlassian\fecru-4.7.0\sql\MYSQL\schema\constraints_107.sql


Any ideas?

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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2019

Hello @David Culbertson ,

It has come to my attention that you have raised another question at that is related to this one over here because both of them involve a database table named 'cwd_group_attribute'.

So as to make things easier, I will reply to you in the other question.


Felipe Kraemer

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