There are too many repositories. Since no-one was actually using FishEye/Crucible, it ran and ran, and then stopped working. Now I have some time to fix it, if possible.
/srv/fisheye/analytics-logs/5bb5116ea412b04014eb1ef79b97c0ba.atlassian-analytics.log has a wrong idea about time. It's probably two hours later when it logs:
1.7|2018-06-08 05:24:59,330|8dd51cb764075aed49fa7cb58cd899a2|fisheye|4.5.3|-||analytics.config.changed|{"newValue":"","oldValue":"","key":"POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGED"}|1528435499330|SEN-9996199||analytics.api||
1.7|2018-06-08 05:25:36,127|8dd51cb764075aed49fa7cb58cd899a2|fisheye|4.5.3|-||applinks.status.snapshot|{"occurrence.fecru":0,"product":"","occurrence.jira":1,"occurrence.bamboo":1,"buildNumber":"4005003","occurrence.confluence":1,"occurrence.unknown":0,"pluginVersion":"5.4.3","productVersion":"4.5.3","total":4,"occurrence.refApp":0,"occurrence.bitbucket":0,"occurrence.generic":0,"occurrence.crowd":1,"failing":4,"working":0,"applicationId":"8373e19f-49b9-3f5d-a24c-4fbccec79a81"}|1528435536127|SEN-9996199||applinks.analytics||
/srv/fisheye/var/log/atlassian-fisheye-2018-06-08.log has the correct time:
2018-06-08 07:23:36,673 INFO [main ] fisheye BaseCommand-setupLogging - Using log4j configuration file: /opt/fecru-4.5.3/log4j.xml
2018-06-08 07:23:36,725 INFO [main ] fisheye BaseCommand-handleCommonArguments - FishEye arguments: []
2018-06-08 07:23:36,733 INFO [main ] fisheye Run-sysinfo - FishEye/Crucible 4.5.3 (20180321104931), Built on 2018-03-21
2018-06-08 07:23:36,733 INFO [main ] fisheye Run-sysinfo - Logging started (Oracle Corporation|25.171-b11|/opt/jdk1.8.0_171/jre|Linux|amd64|4.4.0-1060-aws|maxmem=742MB)
2018-06-08 07:23:36,749 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - This program contains InfinityDB Version 3.0.21 2013.08.04_07.20 Deployment edition
2018-06-08 07:23:36,749 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - See infinitydb.com - Boiler Bay Inc
2018-06-08 07:23:36,749 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - InfinityDB is Copyight (C) 2001-2013 Roger L. Deran, all rights reserved.
2018-06-08 07:23:36,749 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - InfinityDB has been Licensed to Atlassian
2018-06-08 07:23:36,749 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - for distribution in FishEye and Crucible.
2018-06-08 07:23:36,750 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - Atlassian Pty Ltd (ABN 53 102 443 916)
2018-06-08 07:23:36,750 INFO [main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - of 341 George St., Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 Australia
2018-06-08 07:23:37,070 INFO [main ] fisheye DefaultUpgradeManager-<init> - UpgradeManager started.
2018-06-08 07:23:37,097 INFO [main ] fisheye RootConfig-load - loading config from file: /srv/fisheye/config.xml
2018-06-08 07:23:37,796 INFO [main ] fisheye Run-mainImpl - Crucible (Server) 5 Users: Starter License License registered to arvato Systems GmbH - Helpdesk München.
2018-06-08 07:23:38,463 INFO [main ] fisheye WebServer-<init> - Adding secondary content dir of /srv/fisheye/content
2018-06-08 07:23:38,483 INFO [main ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server Server-doStart - jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
2018-06-08 07:23:39,241 INFO [main ] / ContextHandler$Context-log - Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
2018-06-08 07:23:53,087 INFO [main ] fisheye DefaultDBControl-start - Starting database...
2018-06-08 07:23:55,931 INFO [main ] fisheye Config-setUpStatementTracking - BoneCP - tracking statements enabled for pool [mainPool]
2018-06-08 07:23:58,660 WARN [main ] org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.AbstractEhcacheRegionFactory AbstractEhcacheRegionFactory-getCache - HHH020003: Could not find a specific ehcache configuration for cache named [com.atlassian.fecru.oauth.model.FecruConsumer]; using defaults.
2018-06-08 07:23:58,724 WARN [main ] org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.AbstractEhcacheRegionFactory AbstractEhcacheRegionFactory-getCache - HHH020003: Could not find a specific ehcache configuration for cache named [com.atlassian.fecru.oauth.model.FecruServiceProviderToken]; using defaults.
2018-06-08 07:24:00,676 INFO [main ] fisheye Config-setUpStatementTracking - BoneCP - tracking statements enabled for pool [retriablePool]
2018-06-08 07:24:01,711 INFO [main ] fisheye DefaultDBControl-start - Database started.
2018-06-08 07:24:06,106 INFO [main ] fisheye SyncGlobalPermissionCache-<init> - Using synchronous global permission cache reload policy
2018-06-08 07:24:06,306 INFO [main ] fisheye DelegatingFisheyePluginManager-startOsgi - Starting plugin system...
2018-06-08 07:24:11,984 INFO [main ] fisheye.mail Mailer-reload - Starting mail system...
2018-06-08 07:24:12,013 INFO [main ] fisheye.mail Mailer-reload - Mail system started.
2018-06-08 07:24:17,748 INFO [main ] fisheye SpringProfilesLogger-setEnvironment - Active spring profiles: []
2018-06-08 07:24:20,821 INFO [main ] fisheye DefaultProductUpdatePoller-enable - Now checking for new software releases every 10 days
2018-06-08 07:25:01,348 INFO [main ] fisheye DelegatingFisheyePluginManager-onContextRefreshedEvent - Plugin system started.
2018-06-08 07:25:01,544 WARN [UpmScheduler:thread-1 ] com.atlassian.upm.pac.PacClientImpl PacClientImpl-getUpdates - Update check request may take longer because of the number of add-ons
… and so on. The first ERROR is:
2018-06-08 07:25:36,106 WARN [schedulerServiceQuartzScheduler_Worker-9 ] com.atlassian.applinks.core.DefaultApplinkStatusService DefaultApplinkStatusService-logApplinkError - Unrecognized error while attempting to retrieve status of Application Link '8bb91b38-5f45-3779-9b1c-6c201c775655'
2018-06-08 07:26:16,109 ERROR [qtp2003147568-140 ] fisheye DefaultRemoteDirectoryService-isSSOSupportedBy - [Crowd SSO] Failed to get cookie configuration for directory: Crowd Directory. Error: Application failed to authenticate
com.atlassian.crowd.exception.InvalidAuthenticationException: Application failed to authenticate
at com.atlassian.crowd.integration.rest.service.RestExecutor$MethodExecutor.throwError(RestExecutor.java:618) [crowd-integration-client-rest-2.9.5-7fb674b.jar:?]
at com.atlassian.crowd.integration.rest.service.RestExecutor$MethodExecutor.andReceive(RestExecutor.java:417) [crowd-integration-client-rest-2.9.5-7fb674b.jar:?]
at com.atlassian.crowd.integration.rest.service.RestCrowdClient.getCookieConfiguration(RestCrowdClient.java:1227) [crowd-integration-client-rest-2.9.5-7fb674b.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.embeddedcrowd.sso.cookie.CachedCookieConfigurationService$1.getCookieConfiguration(CachedCookieConfigurationService.java:76) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.embeddedcrowd.sso.cookie.CachedCookieConfigurationService$1.load(CachedCookieConfigurationService.java:105) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.embeddedcrowd.sso.cookie.CachedCookieConfigurationService$1.load(CachedCookieConfigurationService.java:64) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LoadingValueReference.loadFuture(LocalCache.java:3527) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.loadSync(LocalCache.java:2319) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.lockedGetOrLoad(LocalCache.java:2282) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.get(LocalCache.java:2197) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.get(LocalCache.java:3937) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.getOrLoad(LocalCache.java:3941) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalCache.java:4824) [guava-18.0.jar:?]
which repeats infinitely. What is the cause? Can it solved by installing an evaluation license in fisheye/config.xml?
Hi @Peter Dyballa,
It seems like Fisheye is up and running but users cannot authenticate when using the Crowd/Jira user directory. Does this seem plausible?
Is the user interface available at all for log in?
Since the user directory is not functional, you can try to authenticate with the Fisheye password (note this is just a password and not an actual username/password).
In case the password is not known, you can reset by following the instructions on this page:
- How to reset the Administration Page password in FishEye or Crucible
I see that you mentioned this:
There are too many repositories
But I could not find any references to this in the startup logs. Did you see any?
Caterina - Atlassian
Hello Caterina!
This workaround does not work here. In Safari the page does not load, Firefox reports a timeout, Google Chrome too.
In /srv/fisheye/var/log/atlassian-fisheye-2018-06-13.log I can see:
Webserver Setup
Site Url : https://scm.webmiles.biz
Http Bind ::6980
Site Proxy Host :fisheye.webmiles.biz
Site Proxy Port : 443
Site Proxy Scheme: https
Ajp13 Bind : 8009
so it's port 6980 to connect to FishEye/Crucible. When I leave out that port number, for a test, I get the Ubuntu server's default page. So HTTP is allowed from my local Mac to the server in AWS (Amazon cloud).
Could be, Apache has to be reconfigured to work with unsafe HTTP…
Here are a few reports about too many repositories (BTW, I am thinking of trying an evaluation license which, I think, can easily be added into FISHEYE_INST/config.xml):
2018-06-13 10:20:24,000 INFO [FE-CacheWarmer ] fisheye DirTreeCache$2-visit - Warming backend-static (backend-static), rootempty=false
2018-06-13 10:20:24,130 WARN [RepoStarter-1 next-config ] fisheye DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1-call - Problem starting repository next-config (next-config)
com.cenqua.fisheye.LicensePolicyException: Cannot start repository next-config: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig$RepositoryRunPermits.obtain(RootConfig.java:550) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig.obtainRunPermit(RootConfig.java:583) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager.runRepository(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:351) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:410) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.util.NamedExecution.call(NamedExecution.java:35) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:402) [fisheye.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_171]
2018-06-13 10:20:24,202 WARN [RepoStarter-1 next-load-test ] fisheye DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1-call - Problem starting repository next-load-test (next-load-test)
com.cenqua.fisheye.LicensePolicyException: Cannot start repository next-load-test: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig$RepositoryRunPermits.obtain(RootConfig.java:550) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig.obtainRunPermit(RootConfig.java:583) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager.runRepository(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:351) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:410) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.util.NamedExecution.call(NamedExecution.java:35) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:402) [fisheye.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_171]
2018-06-13 10:20:24,202 WARN [RepoStarter-1 next-logging ] fisheye DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1-call - Problem starting repository next-logging (next-logging)
com.cenqua.fisheye.LicensePolicyException: Cannot start repository next-logging: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig$RepositoryRunPermits.obtain(RootConfig.java:550) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig.obtainRunPermit(RootConfig.java:583) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager.runRepository(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:351) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:410) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.util.NamedExecution.call(NamedExecution.java:35) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:402) [fisheye.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_171]
2018-06-13 10:20:24,203 WARN [RepoStarter-1 next-test-client ] fisheye DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1-call - Problem starting repository next-test-client (next-test-client)
com.cenqua.fisheye.LicensePolicyException: Cannot start repository next-test-client: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig$RepositoryRunPermits.obtain(RootConfig.java:550) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig.obtainRunPermit(RootConfig.java:583) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager.runRepository(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:351) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:410) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.util.NamedExecution.call(NamedExecution.java:35) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:402) [fisheye.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_171]
2018-06-13 10:20:24,203 WARN [RepoStarter-1 next-testdata ] fisheye DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1-call - Problem starting repository next-testdata (next-testdata)
com.cenqua.fisheye.LicensePolicyException: Cannot start repository next-testdata: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig$RepositoryRunPermits.obtain(RootConfig.java:550) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.RootConfig.obtainRunPermit(RootConfig.java:583) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager.runRepository(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:351) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:410) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3$1.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.util.NamedExecution.call(NamedExecution.java:35) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:406) [fisheye.jar:?]
at com.cenqua.fisheye.config.DefaultRepositoryManager$3.call(DefaultRepositoryManager.java:402) [fisheye.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_171]
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Hey Pete,
These stack traces are only showing errors with the indexing of the repositories, but Fisheye appears to be up.
Is there any proxy/ssl configuration in the FISHEYE_INST/config.xml?
If that's the case, we can try removing it and checking if we can connect. This will help in understanding if Apache is playing a role in this problem.
As you correctly noticed, the error is related to the number of repositories that is above the one allowed by the license:
Cannot start repository next-test-client: your license only allows up to 5 running repositories.
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Yes, we have an Apache that relays requests to FishEye/Crucible.
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
I performed some "connection tests." Crowd, Confluence, and JIRA run on one server in Amazon AWS/EC2, FishEye/Crucible on another one (and Bamboo on a third one). I could connect from Confluence to FishEye/Crucible (no login possible) and from there to JIRA. It even worked to connect from FishEye/Crucible to Crowd. So it's likely that Amazon Security Groups do not suppress IP traffic between the servers.
InCrowd I can configure the known applications. In the fisheye/crucible application I can use the "Authentication test" with my account and password data ‒ and it succeeds!
When I try to login into the "Log in to FishEy and Crucible" windows presented by the FishEye/Crucible server, my data is not accepted: "Password incorreect or unknowd user."
Then FishEye/Crucible is not perfoming correctly.
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Today I substituted in config.xml our license data with that of evaluation licences, valid for the next four weeks.
FishEye/Crucible do not complain anymore about repositories, but login is still not possible. Because I had updated the Ubuntu servers I saw in /srv/crowd/logs/atlassian-crowd.log:
2018-07-04 12:05:02,937 ajp-nio-8009-exec-5 INFO [plugin.rest.filter.BasicApplicationAuthenticationFilter] Application 'fisheye' failed authentication
FishEye/Crucible start with (a bit edited) atlassian-fisheye-2018-07-04.log:
System Information
FishEye 4.5.3 20180321104931
Crucible 4.5.3 20180321104931
FISHEYE_HOME : /opt/fecru-4.5.3
FISHEYE_INST : /srv/fisheye
Java Version : 1.8.0_171
Java Vendor : Oracle Corporation
JVM Version : 1.8
JVM Vendor : Oracle Corporation
JVM Impl : 25.171-b11
Java Runtime : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
Operating System: Linux 4.4.0-1062-aws
OS Architecture : amd64
User Timezone : Europe/Berlin
JVM input args : -Xmx768m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dfisheye.library.path= -Dfisheye.inst=/srv/fisheye -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/fisheye/lib/endorsed
Total Memory : 392M
Free Memory : 163M
Memory Usage : 58%
Max file descriptors : 4096
Open file descriptors : 541
Debug Enabled : false
Initial Index Threads: 2 (max)
Incremental Index Threads: 2 (max)
Webserver Setup
Site Url : https://scm.webmiles.biz
Http Bind ::6980
Site Proxy Host :fisheye.webmiles.biz
Site Proxy Port : 443
Site Proxy Scheme: https
Ajp13 Bind : 8009
Installation State
Modified Files: None
Removed Files: None
Installation State
Modified Files: None
Removed Files: None
Database Details
Database Type : PostgreSQL
Database Driver : org.postgresql.Driver
Database URL : jdbc:postgresql://localhost/fisheye
Database Version : 106
Database Connection Pool partitions count: 3
Database Connection Pool (min per partition): 1
Database Connection Pool (max per partition): 5
User management
=== Directories configured ===
Directory ID: 1
Name: Internal Directory
Active: true
Created date: 2016-03-24 10:37:11.980267
Updated date: 2016-03-24 10:37:11.980267
Implementation class: com.atlassian.crowd.directory.InternalDirectory
Encryption type: atlassian-security
"user_encryption_method": "atlassian-security"
Directory ID: 2
Name: Crowd Directory
Active: true
Created date: 2016-03-24 00:00:00.0
Updated date: 2018-07-04 10:05:06.078
Trusted Applications:
License Details:
Server ID : BHS0-0UOK-EB65-TZR9
Product : FishEye, Crucible
License : FishEye (Server): Evaluation Crucible (Server): Evaluation
Licensed To : Crucible (Server): Evaluation License registered to arvato Systems GmbH.
Expires : 2018-08-02 16:00 +0200
Connection Details
Site URL : https://scm.webmiles.biz
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
There where some errors in the mentioned log file that I can only add as screenshot (or too much overload in this page?)
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Here is a simple TCP dump of IP communication from the server on which FishEye/Crucible runs, Prod-SCM or or scm.webmiles.biz, to the server on which Crowd runs (+ Confluence + JIRA), or any of crowd.webmiles.biz or confluence.webmiles.biz or jira.webmiles.biz, when I try to log in to FishEye/Crucible:
root@Prod-SCM:~ 1004 # tcpdump host and
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
10:42:26.181075 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [S], seq 126223007, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2933866 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:26.181421 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [S.], seq 1819081904, ack 126223008, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2934656 ecr 2933866,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:26.181434 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933866 ecr 2934656], length 0
10:42:26.181992 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:232, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933866 ecr 2934656], length 231
10:42:26.182268 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [.], ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934656 ecr 2933866], length 0
10:42:26.183560 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [P.], seq 1:4369, ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934657 ecr 2933866], length 4368
10:42:26.183568 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933867 ecr 2934657], length 0
10:42:26.185608 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 232:307, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933867 ecr 2934657], length 75
10:42:26.187883 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 307:313, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933868 ecr 2934657], length 6
10:42:26.188037 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 313:414, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933868 ecr 2934657], length 101
10:42:26.188168 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [.], ack 313, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934658 ecr 2933867], length 0
10:42:26.188380 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [P.], seq 4369:4476, ack 414, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934658 ecr 2933868], length 107
10:42:26.188641 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 414:803, ack 4476, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933868 ecr 2934658], length 389
10:42:26.191378 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [P.], seq 4476:5163, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934659 ecr 2933868], length 687
10:42:26.191407 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [P.], seq 5163:5248, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934659 ecr 2933868], length 85
10:42:26.191913 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5248, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933869 ecr 2934659], length 0
10:42:26.231075 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39688 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 3333572994:3333573079, ack 2160288587, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933879 ecr 2925990], length 85
10:42:26.231387 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39688 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [R.], seq 85, ack 1, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933879 ecr 2925990], length 0
10:42:26.231463 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39688: Flags [R], seq 2160288587, win 0, length 0
10:42:26.231688 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [S], seq 26695708, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2933879 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:26.231976 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [S.], seq 1486586033, ack 26695709, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2934669 ecr 2933879,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:26.231990 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933879 ecr 2934669], length 0
10:42:26.232550 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:232, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933879 ecr 2934669], length 231
10:42:26.232801 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [.], ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934669 ecr 2933879], length 0
10:42:26.234069 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [P.], seq 1:4369, ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934669 ecr 2933879], length 4368
10:42:26.234081 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933879 ecr 2934669], length 0
10:42:26.236136 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 232:307, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933880 ecr 2934669], length 75
10:42:26.242464 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 307:313, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933882 ecr 2934669], length 6
10:42:26.242619 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 313:414, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933882 ecr 2934669], length 101
10:42:26.242784 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [.], ack 313, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934672 ecr 2933880], length 0
10:42:26.242930 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [P.], seq 4369:4476, ack 414, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934672 ecr 2933882], length 107
10:42:26.243206 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 414:995, ack 4476, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933882 ecr 2934672], length 581
10:42:26.245531 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [P.], seq 4476:5163, ack 995, win 244, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934672 ecr 2933882], length 687
10:42:26.245627 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [P.], seq 5163:5248, ack 995, win 244, options [nop,nop,TS val 2934672 ecr 2933882], length 85
10:42:26.246064 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5248, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2933882 ecr 2934672], length 0
10:42:30.931184 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [S], seq 3612469241, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2935054 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:30.931678 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [S.], seq 1090591417, ack 3612469242, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2935844 ecr 2935054,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:30.931694 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935054 ecr 2935844], length 0
10:42:30.932275 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:232, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935054 ecr 2935844], length 231
10:42:30.932574 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [.], ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935844 ecr 2935054], length 0
10:42:30.933899 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [P.], seq 1:4369, ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935844 ecr 2935054], length 4368
10:42:30.933911 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935054 ecr 2935844], length 0
10:42:30.936129 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 232:307, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935055 ecr 2935844], length 75
10:42:30.938774 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 307:313, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935056 ecr 2935844], length 6
10:42:30.939050 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [.], ack 313, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935846 ecr 2935055], length 0
10:42:30.942270 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 313:414, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935057 ecr 2935846], length 101
10:42:30.942622 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [P.], seq 4369:4476, ack 414, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935846 ecr 2935057], length 107
10:42:30.942933 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 414:803, ack 4476, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935057 ecr 2935846], length 389
10:42:30.946021 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [P.], seq 4476:5163, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935847 ecr 2935057], length 687
10:42:30.946157 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [P.], seq 5163:5248, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935847 ecr 2935057], length 85
10:42:30.946596 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5248, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935058 ecr 2935847], length 0
10:42:31.133145 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [P.], seq 5248:5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935894 ecr 2933869], length 85
10:42:31.133164 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935894 ecr 2933869], length 0
10:42:31.142729 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39692: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935897 ecr 2933869], length 0
10:42:31.142745 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39692 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5334, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935107 ecr 2935894,nop,nop,sack 1 {5333:5334}], length 0
10:42:31.233392 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [P.], seq 5248:5333, ack 995, win 244, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935919 ecr 2933882], length 85
10:42:31.233410 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 995, win 244, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935919 ecr 2933882], length 0
10:42:31.242673 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39694: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 995, win 244, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935922 ecr 2933882], length 0
10:42:31.242683 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39694 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5334, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2935132 ecr 2935919,nop,nop,sack 1 {5333:5334}], length 0
10:42:35.943227 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [P.], seq 5248:5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937097 ecr 2935058], length 85
10:42:35.943242 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937097 ecr 2935058], length 0
10:42:35.954720 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39696: Flags [F.], seq 5333, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937100 ecr 2935058], length 0
10:42:35.954727 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39696 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5334, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936310 ecr 2937097,nop,nop,sack 1 {5333:5334}], length 0
10:42:36.033911 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45566 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 2194071292:2194071377, ack 985788465, win 336, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937119 ecr 2786364], length 85
10:42:36.033937 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45566: Flags [R], seq 985788465, win 0, length 0
10:42:36.034065 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45566 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [R.], seq 85, ack 1, win 336, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937119 ecr 2786364], length 0
10:42:36.108293 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [S], seq 1521848252, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2937138 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:36.108320 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [S.], seq 1961149995, ack 1521848253, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2936348 ecr 2937138,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:36.108628 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937138 ecr 2936348], length 0
10:42:36.109207 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:234, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937138 ecr 2936348], length 233
10:42:36.109226 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], ack 234, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936348 ecr 2937138], length 0
10:42:36.110431 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], seq 1:1449, ack 234, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936349 ecr 2937138], length 1448
10:42:36.110441 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], seq 1449:2897, ack 234, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936349 ecr 2937138], length 1448
10:42:36.110452 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], seq 2897:4345, ack 234, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936349 ecr 2937138], length 1448
10:42:36.110513 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [P.], seq 4345:4369, ack 234, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936349 ecr 2937138], length 24
10:42:36.110732 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1449, win 251, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937139 ecr 2936349], length 0
10:42:36.110812 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 2897, win 274, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937139 ecr 2936349], length 0
10:42:36.110818 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4345, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937139 ecr 2936349], length 0
10:42:36.110820 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4369, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937139 ecr 2936349], length 0
10:42:36.113334 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 234:309, ack 4369, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937139 ecr 2936349], length 75
10:42:36.115432 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 309:315, ack 4369, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937140 ecr 2936349], length 6
10:42:36.115494 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 315:416, ack 4369, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937140 ecr 2936349], length 101
10:42:36.115557 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], ack 416, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936350 ecr 2937139], length 0
10:42:36.115667 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [P.], seq 4369:4476, ack 416, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936350 ecr 2937139], length 107
10:42:36.116174 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 416:709, ack 4476, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937140 ecr 2936350], length 293
10:42:36.132198 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [S], seq 3504539407, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2936354 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:36.132485 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [S.], seq 867270679, ack 3504539408, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2937144 ecr 2936354,nop,wscale 7], length 0
10:42:36.132500 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936354 ecr 2937144], length 0
10:42:36.136428 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:232, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936355 ecr 2937144], length 231
10:42:36.136711 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [.], ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937145 ecr 2936355], length 0
10:42:36.138030 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [P.], seq 1:4369, ack 232, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937145 ecr 2936355], length 4368
10:42:36.138040 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936355 ecr 2937145], length 0
10:42:36.140195 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 232:307, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936356 ecr 2937145], length 75
10:42:36.142429 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 307:313, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936357 ecr 2937145], length 6
10:42:36.142600 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 313:414, ack 4369, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936357 ecr 2937145], length 101
10:42:36.142723 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [.], ack 313, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937147 ecr 2936356], length 0
10:42:36.142908 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [P.], seq 4369:4476, ack 414, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937147 ecr 2936357], length 107
10:42:36.143178 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [P.], seq 414:803, ack 4476, win 297, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936357 ecr 2937147], length 389
10:42:36.146094 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [P.], seq 4476:5163, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937147 ecr 2936357], length 687
10:42:36.146104 IP jira.webmiles.biz.https > scm.webmiles.biz.39698: Flags [P.], seq 5163:5248, ack 803, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937147 ecr 2936357], length 85
10:42:36.146648 IP scm.webmiles.biz.39698 > jira.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5248, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936358 ecr 2937147], length 0
10:42:36.154186 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [.], ack 709, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936360 ecr 2937140], length 0
10:42:36.179030 IP scm.webmiles.biz.https > jira.webmiles.biz.45764: Flags [P.], seq 4476:5542, ack 709, win 243, options [nop,nop,TS val 2936366 ecr 2937140], length 1066
10:42:36.218775 IP jira.webmiles.biz.45764 > scm.webmiles.biz.https: Flags [.], ack 5542, win 319, options [nop,nop,TS val 2937166 ecr 2936366], length 0 ^C
104 packets captured
104 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
root@Prod-SCM:~ 1005 # dig crowd.webmiles.biz confluence.webmiles.biz jira.webmiles.biz | egrep '^(crowd|confluence|jira)'
crowd.webmiles.biz. 60 INA
confluence.webmiles.biz. 60 INA
jira.webmiles.biz. 60 INA
Is HTTPS the proper protocol?
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Hey @Peter Dyballa,
The "Application failed to authenticate" message indicates that Fisheye can reach out to Crowd but there is likely a configuration mismatch between the two applications.
Usually this happens when the user directory (name or password) in Crowd and Fisheye don't match.
The best way to proceed is to check that the name matches in both applications and to update the password in Crowd and apply it in Fisheye.
And if you don't have access to Fisheye, you can still follow the instructions on the How to reset the Administration Page password in FishEye or Crucible page.
Are you able to login with the admin password after resetting it using the instructions above?
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Due to some strange begaviour of TenFourFox (a release of Firefox for PowerPC based Macs) it happened that it loaded https://scm.webmiles.biz/admin/admin.do – this, wihout any port number and unsafe HTTP) allows admin access. (The many Java Scripts here on this community page make the summer here quite warm because the CPU is running at exactly 100 % of its capacity. I hope it will not warm up the U.S. of A.!)
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Visiting as admin https://scm.webmiles.biz/plugins/servlet/embedded-crowd/configure/crowd/?directoryId=2&xsrfTokenName=atl_token&xsrfTokenValue=3f0a722ae5e1593048108fbfeace919f84d1e528 I can see the settings:
Configure Atlassian Crowd Server
FishEye can use Crowd for user management: users, groups and authentication.
Server Settings
Name Crowd Directory
Server URL https://crowd.webmiles.biz
Application Name fisheye
Application Password ***********
The Server URL is correct, Amazon's Route53 has it, the IP address is the same as for Confluence or JIRA which run on the same server as Crowd. Among the applications known to Crowd I can see "fisheye/crucible" – and this is the reason for the failures! Changing the name in Fisheye/Crucible to the value in Crowd let's the test setting succeed, but saving it let's the tets fail.
In the end I had to reset the application name in both Crowd and FishEye/Crucible to the simple "fisheye" value. Now communication/synchronisation and login both work again.
Thank you, Caterina!
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.