I've created two PODs in K8s:
1st POD is running the Crucible docker image with mounted volume on /atlassian/data
2nd POD is running the posgress.
I wanted to test full system availability and it seems like when destroying the crucible POD, it re-creates the schema + the data and overrides the old data on the 2nd POD.
The main trigger for this actions are the sql files which are executed during the Docker image setup:
2022-03-16 09:58:41,126 INFO - Adding secondary content dir of /atlassian/data/fisheye/content 2022-03-16 09:58:52,620 INFO - Starting database... 2022-03-16 09:58:52,631 INFO - Creating DB schema version 108 using /atlassian/apps/fisheye/sql/POSTGRESQL/schema/tables_108.sql 2022-03-16 09:58:53,288 INFO - Creating DB constraints version 108 using /atlassian/apps/fisheye/sql/POSTGRESQL/schema/constraints_108.sql 2022-03-16 09:58:54,100 INFO - Loading initial DB data version 108 using /atlassian/apps/fisheye/sql/POSTGRESQL/schema/data_108.sql
How can I force the container to NOT re-created the DB?