Code Security

tzigone January 10, 2013


Is there any way to store SVN user name and password in the Fisheye config file encyrpted or invisible?

Or can it be retrieved from LDAP or CROWD etc?

rong><auth username="the_repo_user_name" password="the_repo_user_pwd"/></strong>

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January 22, 2013

Hi Burcu,

I'd recommend configuring your server so that the minimum number of users (i.e. only your trusted System Administrators) have access to the filesystem and make the file readable only to the user that FishEye is running as.

As Partha points out on CRUC-1415, encrypting the password would only really prevent a casual browser from accidentally seeing the password. A malicious user with the right skills and patience would still be able to decrypt it and compromise your system. The best way to protect against this is to lock down your config.xml and your filesystem.



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Sergey Svishchev
Rising Star
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January 16, 2013

That's not possible out of the box and Atlassian "Won't Fix" it --

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tzigone January 22, 2013


the customer has different products and each development group should access only to their source code, not others. They shouldn't see irrelevant codebase. Even if SVN account is read only, if someone sees that file, s/he can access entire code base. I wonder how other companies resolve this situation.

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