Adding default reviewers when a specific folder is changed in a repository

Madhu Dasari
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April 28, 2014

I will explain my problem with an example.

We have created a crucible project AA for XX repository and we use AA for all backend and frontend reviews. XX repository contains 2 folders, say "web" and "service".

My question is, when ever a patch is uploaded which contains the changes from "web" folder, few set of people should be added as default set of reviewers to the crucible. Is it possible to do with in crucible? If not, is thr an external plugin available to do this job?

This is how we create crucible:

step 1: select crucible project

step 2: upload the patch

step 3: select reviewers

step 4: done/ start review

I want default set of reviewers to be added when uploaded a patch(which contains changes from web folder) in the step 2.

Please let me know if you need more information.

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Atlassian Team
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April 28, 2014

This functionality currently doesn't exist.

You can watch a specific path in FishEye however, and have an email sent to a group or individual users who could then create a review from the change.

To configure such a watch, as an admin, you can use the Watches Plugin:

You could definitely write a plugin however to do exactly what you want, by listening to the ReviewCreatedEvent, and then responding to that by seeing what paths (even of patch files) are in the review, and adding a certain group of users to the review. You would also want to listen for ReviewUpdatedEvents, for when new files are added to an existing review.

Madhu Dasari
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 29, 2014

Thanks for the information, Nick.

Is thr any example(sample code) regarding the same use case where I can refer to?



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