Hello community,
We're calling all sharing savants and super social sharers to earn a limited-edition sticker during Shareworthy September!
From September 1st through September 30th, share (and have your content shared) amazing articles and discussions to LinkedIn or Twitter, or just copy a direct link to text to a friend (or maybe even Slack). All you have to do is:
Share another community member's post on Twitter, LinkedIn, or email
Post a link in this thread to that post!
Completers of the Shareworthy September mission will receive a limited edition kudos badge. The first 100 community friends to earn this badge will also receive a special Shareworthy laptop sticker!
You can find awesome content to share in trending articles and discussions, or browse products and groups that are sure to be share-worthy!
Thank you for joining this challenge and have fun!
P.S. Shareworthy September is part of our kudos program – if you aren’t in the kudos program yet, you can request to join in this thread or in the comments below! Check for your Kudos participation on your profile page!
Saralie S.