Today we are releasing some changes to the experience of creating new posts. This is the first in a series of changes to improve the create experience, and it has required a lot of work from our community team, shoutout to everyone who played a role in this massive project!
(Fun fact: This actually started as a Community Experience Team ShipIt project. 🥳)
The tl;dr? Hosting details will be mandatory, there will be no more uncategorized content, and we will cut down on tag proliferation.
The details? Read on.
The new experience looks slightly different depending on where you create the content. If you are in a collection, the content will automatically default to asking a question within that collection. To change collections, you will need to use the breadcrumb.
If you are creating content outside of a collection, for example by clicking “Ask the community” on the homepage, this will now require you to choose a product or interest collection to create your content in via a drop-down:
This means that we are eliminating uncategorized content. 🎉This will save moderators time and help ensure users are getting their questions answered.
For products that are hosted on both cloud and server, we now require users to select hosting details, and include some information to help them select the right option. They also have the option of selecting “I don’t know.”
When the question is posted, this will result in tags being automatically added to the post as follows:
For cloud
For server
For “I don’t know”
Answerers can now look at these tags (or sort your homepage feed according to tag) to get to an answer faster.
Additional tags will now be optional. This should significantly cut down on the proliferation of random tags. (Shoutout to the Tag Cleanup Crew.)
The team has put a tremendous amount of work into getting this done, so I’m throwing in a bonus shoutout to them.
We hope this improves your experience as both a question asker and a question answerer! If you have any comments or questions or compliments or concerns, please drop them in the comments below.
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers