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Story ,Task ,sub task

Abida Rana July 5, 2017

Hey !! 
I wanna discuss that if we want to add stroy and add subtask for stroy . but why we need to assign a stroy ?? 

i need to add story as a heading of any task and add subtask in it . but in story also have a assignee option. why we need to assign story

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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July 5, 2017

A story (or task, or issue, or bug, etc) is what your users work on, so it's a good idea to assign them to someone to get them dealt with.

Sub-tasks are a way of breaking up a parent into more manageable pieces so that other people can be assigned different parts and/or it makes it easier to think of in pieces, and/or you have attributes that aren't global for the story, and/or <several other reasons>

Abida Rana July 6, 2017

if we want to add heading of some task and with in we want to add some tasks, what i sthe way, 

beacause if a take story as a heading and add sub task in it, but also need to assign story to some one, but i want to use story just for heading of task.. 

and want to show in report ,, issue is this if i am not assigning story to any one and there are sub task in story and sub task are assgin to user, the sub task are not showing in report.


i want to show this in reprt ..

and please tel me the use of epic also, why we use , 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 6, 2017

You don't have to assign a story, but in most cases, you probably should.

I don't know what "report" you are using.  Some will show you sub-tasks, some focus on the overall estimatable work items of stories.  Without knowing what you are using to report, I can't tell you more.

Epics are for grouping stories together in logical groups

Abida Rana July 6, 2017

i am usign timetracking report.. if my stroy is in not in progress or not assigned no any one , then the stoey sub task are not show in the reprt


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