Parent Tasks Remaining hours are not correct when there are sub-task

Greg Obleshchuk March 29, 2023

Hi ,
We use Jira onprem (so the DataCenter) version 9.6.0.  

When we create a Issue with a certain estimated time (say 20h) if we log work against that issue the remaining hours and Logged hours are correct.

If we create a sub-task and log work against the sub-task the Logged hours of the parent reflect the total logged hours of both the parent and child but the remaining hours doesn't change, even though we have Adjust automatically for the Remaining Estimate option.

The work around for us is to manually adjust the remaining hours on the parent task. As it is a manual step sometimes it is missed and does lead to people charging more time to a task than has been estimated.

I would suggest that the time tracking fields of Estimated, Remaining and Logged should reflect the parent and all the child tasks.




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