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Jira Software/ Service desk

Nika March 10, 2020


We have Jira Software in Data-Center and wanna add service desk app too,

i have question about perfomance,

if it possible to shut down jira software and still up service desk?

i mean in one environment have both jira software and service desk but we need to shut just software and wanna up just service desk...

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Daniel Ebers
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 30, 2020

Hi Nika,

"Jira Software" and "Jira Service Desk" can be used independently from each other - if you want you can also use them both altogether.

You can install and uninstall applications using "Versions & licenses" (Jira Administrator global permissions are needed to be able to navigate to this page).

This option is not a tool to switch off and on the corresponding application. That being said I'd recommend you to double check carefully if one application or another should be uninstalled.
In case performance considerations are the intention to disable specific applications then it would be more advisable to diagnose the source of performance issues and fix them.


Nika April 3, 2020

Hi Daniel

thanks for answering, but i mean when i have 2 app is together if it possible to turn off one of them.

for example: i have jira software and service desk in one platform... so i wanna turn off just service desk and not both of all. 

i mean half working of full application

(i think if i disable service desk in plugins it will turned off :) )

Daniel Ebers
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 3, 2020

Hi Nika,

this will not work as there is no plugin that can be turned off.

When trying to navigate to Service Desk in UPM there is a warning message that reads:

These apps are integral parts of your JIRA application(s). They cannot be disabled or uninstalled. You may uninstall applications from the Versions & licenses  page.

Actually, there is no button to disable.

You can uninstall but there is no such option like a on/off switch, for Service Desk (for example).

For Apps from Marketplace it is a different story. They can be (in almost any cases) deactivated (also temporarily).


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