Data Center Storage Requirements

Allan Margono September 5, 2017

Is there any recommendation for the Data Center Storage/File Systems? e.g., do we need a NAS System or it is sufficient to host the Shared File System on a server and managed via Samba or equivalent?

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Atlassian Team
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September 5, 2017

Hi Allan,

Per the documentation:

There are multiple ways to do this, but the simplest is to use an NFS share. The mechanics of setting one is unique from installation to installation, and is outside the scope of this document. We recommend using a UNC file path to your storage location.

Assuming that the final mount point for this shared storage location is /data/jira/sharedhome :


  • Ensure that directory can be read and written by other potential nodes
  • Copy the following directories into /data/jira/sharedhome: (some of them may be empty)
    • data
    • plugins
    • logos
    • import
    • export


In regards to the actual type of storage we leave that up to you to determine based on the needs of your environment.  If you notice yourself running into performance issues there is a kowlege base article titled JIRA Data Center Performance that you can review.



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