Hey folks,
Hope you are having a good day, wondering if anyone can help me out because I'm going insane trying to figure this.
I`m trying to Link two issues that are created in an automation rule, the trick is there is a trigger between them, I have attached a picture which i`m hoping explains my conundrum.
Would like to mention I tried "Linked Issues" field in the automation, but it seems that it does not work when there is a trigger in between. Same issue with Getissue script.
Hey @Michel Neeser
Thank you for trying to help, but the purpose of those triggers is to separate and link to other epics, so for the picture that I linked, the top one will link to an epic, while the bottom one will link to another epic, and when I tried having everything with one trigger, I ran into other issues, like the tasks were linked to other epics not linked at all, so in order to take advantage of the "epic link" in the issue creation and "link to latest created" i have to have multiple triggers. Out of all the attempts i made this one (multiple triggers) seemed to be the least error causing.