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Jira Data Center shared home

Avin Singhal January 31, 2019

Hi All,

We are moving to data center Jira.

I have a question does we need to set shared home inside jira home or we should have it outside Jira home.

What are the atlassian recommendation , any documentation that can help.

I am not able to find any :( 

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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January 31, 2019

The shared home is outside of the local JIRA home. And it should be one that is accessible by all JIRA nodes, including any new ones that might join in future.

See for more details.

Check out 2. Set up the shared directory

Sara November 19, 2019

is jira home = /var/atlassian/application-data/jira and 

jira install =  /media/atl/jira in Datacenter?  Where does the conf dir contents go?

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