Changes to values in Helm chart don't appear to apply to instance

Steve Letch
February 18, 2022

I've recently started testing a proof of concept instance for Jira DC in Kubernetes. It's controlled via the Atlassian Jira helm chart.


One thing I'm noticing is that changes to values such as which db to use and other values, only seem to apply upon initial deployment of the instance, anything after that will not apply after a sync. I know my deployment is synching properly, because if I change something about the Kubernetes configuration, such as changing the size of of the shared home or postgres db volume, these apply. However small changes to attributes in things like dbconfig.xml don't seem to apply unless you blow the entire thing away and recreate it.


Any ideas?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2022

Hi Steve! If you change db values in values.yaml and run helm upgrade you should see these changes in container env, for example ATL_JDBC_URL or ATL_JDBC_USER. These envs are then used in the image entrypoint to generate configuration xmls. In case of dbconfig.xml, it's overwrite=False, i.e. this particular file generation happens once. I think dbconfig is considered immutable on purpose.

UPDATE. I have talked to the team and @Adam Brokes  suggested the behaviour can be flexible if a new env is introduced that will either force or skip xml overwrite in the container entrypoint.


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