As I was working through migrating away from a no-longer supported post function in my Jira instance to another, I was struck by something:
Two PFs that do essentially the same thing in the same way but the syntax of how access to Jira issue fields was markedly different - different enough that they felt like different coding languages.
As I thought about this, I realized that, depending on what I was trying to accomplish, I was using several coding languages and/or different techniques throughout my day. When one adds in, should you be an admin who also builds the environment, a lot of bases in an application stack are covered.
Consider: In my (fairly) recent migration to an entirely new operating environment and back again to daily operation, I end up deep in (non-exhaustive list):
When one steps away from the strictly technical and add in the "thought leadership" where we, knowing what our tools can do, help our user base work out what a process should be and how to improve it... It's never boring. Since, with this variety, one never knows what a day might hold, it can be described generically as:
As such, I was wondering if any others in the community had this same thought.
I do have to say that this community is invaluable as, while the exact thing I might be trying to accomplish may not be here, bits and pieces from several others might make up my solution.