Hi. I have a client I am supporting that does not care for the Agile methodology terminology. We are interested in customizing the name of the issue types but retaining the hierarchy. E.g., Initiative hierarchy issue type but named "Line of Effort", Epic hierarchy issue type but named "Summary Task".
How can I add this level of customization to our project and use these issue types for hierarchy grouping in my program plan/advanced roadmaps?
@Dave thanks for the guidance! Is it possible to edit the names of issue types within the hierarchy and apply it to a single project?
We have the initiative and epic issue types in use for other projects across the enterprise. I want to add new initiative and epic issue types with customized naming conventions specifically for this use case and applied only to a single project without affecting other projects across the enterprise. Is this possible?
Hi @Beth Pettit,
Yes, it is possible to edit some but not all issue type names. For example, you should be able to rename initiative but I don't believe that you can rename epic. However, you can create new issue types with whatever name you'd like and then associate them with specific projects (so that they can only be used in those projects). See https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/add-edit-and-delete-an-issue-type/
You can then associate each of those issues with the different hierarchy levels in Advanced Roadmaps.