Using custom AWS Cloudformation templates with Weaver

You can now use your own custom CloudFormation templates in Weaver, along with the (now deprecated) Atlassian provided templates.

Configuring your template repository

You can host your repository anywhere, so long as it can be accessed over SSH by the Weaver server.

Repositories should contain the following nested folders:

        -product-name (eg 'confluence' or 'jira')

Template files should be YAML (JSON is not supported).

Filenames should contain the product name, and end in .yaml, eg 'MyConfluenceTemplate.yaml'.

Clone templates should specify 'Clone' in the filename, eg 'MyConfluenceCloneTemplate.yaml'.

Enabling your custom templates

  1. Clone the latest Weaver source code.
  2. Update your Weaver stack with the new template.
  3. Enter your template repository in the format ''.
  4. If your custom template repository is private, provide a AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store key name that holds an ssh private key that can access the repository.

  5. Select 0 Weaver nodes, so your current node is destroyed, and Update.

  6. Once the update is complete, update the stack again and select 1 Weaver node. This will create a new Weaver server with your custom templates.

Updating your templates

  1. Go to Admin
  2. Select the repository to update
  3. If there are updates available in the repository, you will be able to apply them (this does a git pull)



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