πŸ“’ Release Announcement: Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.14.0 πŸš€

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.14.0. This update introduces several valuable features and enhancements to elevate your Kubernetes deployments. Let's explore the new additions:

kubelogo.png K8s Liveness Probes: Improve the reliability of your Atlassian Data Center applications with Kubernetes liveness probes. These probes continuously monitor application health and automatically restart them if any issues arise. Liveness probes are included into templates by default but can be turned off and/or customized.

kubelogo.png Configurable Readiness Probes: Tailor Kubernetes readiness probes to suit your specific requirements. Fine-tune the readiness checks for Atlassian services to optimize performance and responsiveness within your Kubernetes environment. Find more details on startup, readiness and liveness probes in K8S documentation.

bamboo.png Additional Volumes and Files for Bamboo Agent: Declare volumes and persist data, for example, maven repositories, with ease. Additionally, you can now mount Secrets and ConfigMaps to bamboo-agent pods providing more flexibility and customization options for your CI/CD pipelines.

openshift.png Non-Root Deployment on OpenShift: Enhance security and compliance by running Jira and Confluence as non-root on OpenShift. This feature opens up new deployment possibilities for Helm charts on OpenShift clusters. Find more details on OpenShift deployments in the docs.



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