Jira Data Center on Kubernetes - Timezone Issues

In a microk8s kubernetes implementation of Jira Data Center, I was receiving cluster replication failure errors (Index replication for cluster node jira-data-center-0 is behind by 14000 seconds.) with an offset that was identical to the timezone (EDT which is UTC -4).   With research, I discovered this is due to a Jira Data Center timezone of UTC and a database timezone of EDT (this is documented in the Knowledge base: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/cluster-index-replication-health-check-reports-delay-when-the-database-is-in-a-different-timezone-than-jira-1051984214.html#:~:text=When%20the%20database%20is%20in%20a%20server%20with%20a%20different,seconds%20as%20the%20timezone%20offset.)

Setting the timezone at the node level and the pod level did not resolve the issue.  

I resolved the issue by modifying my values.yaml to include the JVM directive in the additionalJvmArgs section.

additionalJvmArgs: [-Duser.timezone="America/Indiana/Indianapolis"]




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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2022

Interesting... I guess it depends on the K8s flavor and cloud. Say, in OpenShift I was able to set timezone on a pod level by adding a TZ env var to container env. Node time zone was indeed ignored.

Taranjeet Singh
Community Leader
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July 14, 2022

Thanks for sharing this interesting and useful information, @Taylor Chase !

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