Hello Atlassian Community,
My name is Gosia Kowalska, and I am Head of Product, Data Center. I am joined by Niall O'Riordan, Head of Engineering, Data Center, and Partha Kamal, Head of Product Team Enterprise.
On Wednesday, May 25th (PST) we will be hosting an all-day AMA to answer your questions about the future of Atlassian Data Center. We recently shared our focus and vision for the future of Data Center in a community post here and our leadership teams would love to hear any remaining questions from you.
Here's how it works:
Add your questions below any time before or during the AMA. Be sure to take a look at other community members’ questions and up-vote those that you find interesting.
Starting on the morning of May 25th PST you can expect to see answers from us and our teams start rolling in. Watch the page and be ready to add follow-up questions and discuss further with other Community members. We'll wrap the event at the end of the day, but will be sure to answer any questions we didn't get to.
Gosia, Partha, and Niall
Gosia Kowalska
Head of Product Data Center
Gdansk, Poland