Crowd 5.2.0 is here!

Hello Community!

We are excited to let you know that Crowd 5.2 is now available.

What to look forward to in Crowd 5.2

In the new version of Crowd, we have made two significant improvements to the existing functionalities:

  • User attributes in audit logs

  • Invitation emails on account creation

User attributes in audit logs

The audit log now shows information about creating, modifying, or removing user attributes. This is important for security audits and post-incident investigations.

Invitation emails on account creation

After creating a new account, you will now have the option to send an invitation email from the system. Previously, customers often used the password reset function to trigger these emails, which was a suboptimal user experience both for the administrator and the user for whom the account was created.

We’ve also updated our tech stack for improved security. These changes include upgrading:

  • Apache Tomcat version from 8.5 to 9

  • Log4j version from v1 to v2

  • HSQLDB version from to 2.7.2

Planning your upgrade

Crowd 5.2 will be the last Crowd feature release available to download for Server before the Server end of support date on Feb 15, 2024. All feature releases after Crowd 5.2 will only support our Data Center offering. Crowd 5.2 will continue to receive security and bug fixes in adherence to our Support policies.

We recommend that you upgrade to Data Center to remain secure and supported.

Feel free to share any questions or comments below.

Thank you from the Crowd product team!



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October 16, 2023

Hello Atlassian Team - Thanks for the article

But what are you guys doing? I sometimes get 3-9 emails about 1 article.

Is it possible that for every 1 edit you guys make in the article/text i get another email sent? If yes, please stop that, 1 is enough. I like the content in the Data-Center group thats why im here, but needlessly spamming all people via emails is not helping with information and people might rather leave for that.

Please fix that...

Screenshot 2023-10-16 115512.png 

Mateusz Miodek
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 16, 2023

Hello @jammsen

Sorry for this spamming. I was making some small edits after publishing. I didn't realize each edit triggers an email notification. I will be more mindful of this next time. Thank you for letting me know.

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events