Here are some highlights from Levin Mejia's (senior product designer at Trello) presentation on Power-Ups and automation in Trello!
- We’re highlighting Templates! They’re set in categories, which helps you search (business, design, marketing, remote work, etc.)
- If you have a cool one to share, be sure to upload it as a Template
- If you click through on a Template, you can see who made it, its purpose, a live preview, and what Power-Ups are on it
- Click “Use Template” and now you have a copy of it to use, invite members to, etc.
- Make Trello your own by choosing a background
- Moving on to Card Templates: Makes a card reusable instead of recreating it every single time; you can add checklists, due dates, labels
- Our developer community creates awesome Power-Ups
- Custom Fields lets you add additional info on the card back: budget, kick-off date, etc.
- Calendar is also popular; you can drag and drop dates in the Calendar view
- Card Repeater is also used a lot; ideal for things you have to do on a daily or weekly basis
- Select when you want it to repeat and at what time
- Hard to show the value without having a time machine :)
- Another thing on Power-Ups, you can add other tools you’re already using: Figma as a designer, Dropbox
- With Dropbox, you can attach your files and get a rich preview on the card back; you can click and get a real preview (download, etc.)
- List Limits: You can set the amount of cards you want to have in a list; creates a visual cue if you surpass that number
- We have all of the Atlassian tools as Power-Ups as well
- Power-Ups are limited to one or three per board; with Business Class, you can have unlimited
- With Dropbox, we made it a bonus Power-Up, so it doesn’t count toward your Power-Up limit
- Next up: Butler! Saves us time in doing repetitive tasks or stuff we might forget to do
- Butler runs with “rules”
- Maybe we want every card that hits the “Done” list to get a green label
- Open up Butler, click on Rules, add a Trigger (card move, card changes, dates, checklists, card content, fields)
- Now add an Action (move, add/remove, dates, checklists, members, etc.)
- Click save
- Can multiple rules be added to one Trigger? Yes!
- You can designate the order of the actions as well
- Next up: Board Buttons
- Clean Up can be a great way to archive cards in batches based on rules
- Next up: Advanced Checklists
- Set due dates for checklist items, assign members to items
- Just for fun: if you add certain emojis to your Done list title, it triggers confetti; full list of emojis here:
- To check out a more detailed automations demo, check out this webinar:
- Is there a limit to the number of cards or lists per board before it lags? Levin: A lot of lists and a lot of cards; certain things will slow it down faster, like gifs
- One last thing: new feature called Card Covers, which lets you add unique card covers to the card (colors, upload an image, or use Unsplash images)
- One more question: Do Power-Ups show on the mobile version? Levin: Some are available, but not all (8-10 are available on mobile)