Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to get together a group that would like to study for the Atlassian certifications. Let me know if you want more informaiton or anyone has some study material for the group.
Patrick Shaeffer
I would like to participate
@shaefferpatrick, I'm definitely on board.
Which Certification did you want to study for?
This is an excellent idea!
Could we setup a public Trello board for this to track the different certifications people are interested in along with study material?
Created the following board. Request to be a member so I may add you.
How do I request to be a member?
Lets make this easier, Click below to be joined to the board:
Here is the link to register for remote:
You are welcome to come to the first class and all future class for the study group.
We will set up our own instance and you can use our lab computers or your personal computers.
For Remote users - study night use: https://zoom.us/j/232477691
Attendance isn’t critical tonight, it’s just orientation and Q&A
Hey Patrick,
Is this still going on?
Hi Brittany- We just had a class this past Tuesday. Our next class will be the 27th of Nov and we will be doing a lab on schemes. Since this will be a lab, you can't remote into the class. it's free and you should sign up for the class so we can have the instance set up before class.
if any problems you can reach me at: patrick.shaeffer@highordersolutions.com
I missed the communications about the sessions. Is there a list I need to get on? Unfortunately I will be out of town next week and will not be able to attend this one, but would like to participate in others.
You can sign-up with this link and you can email me with any other questions you might have: Patrick.shaeffer@highordersolutons.com
it's free. you just need to put in the couple hours every other week.
Thank you. Unfortunately I am unable to attend the remainder this year. If another set of sessions are scheduled for next year I will sign up.
The subject of this post states that this ends in December, so I don't believe that pinning this post will bring you any attention.
Could you please make a new post with current information that we can pin to help you promote?