Hey all - the fourth ACP-420 Jira Service Projects study session was last Monday! (Check out the recording here). We didn't get quite as far as I had hoped, but still learned a lot (see below). T...
Several people are interested in ACP-610 and 620 certifications, and I have been trying to help with study and preparation but could use some pro tips in that area. The prep course and d...
...ave chosen the newly released study Unlocking The Value Of Open Collaboration To Drive Enterprise Agility 🏆 And last but not least BIG Congratulations to Atlassian folks for winning W...
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to get together a group that would like to study for the Atlassian certifications. Let me know if you want more informaiton or anyone has some study material for the g...
Hi Everyone, Thanks again for allowing me to present at last week's Toronto AUG lunch session. As promised here is a link to the Jira Core Groups, Project Roles, and Permission Schemes Best Practice...
What if Confluence were free? Participate in a study with the Confluence team! We're currently looking at how we can make Confluence both more accessible by offering a free version a...
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