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use crowd attributes within Confluence and Jira

Peter Ebbelink February 5, 2013


I already noticed that I can create additional attributes and values.

I created a attribute skype with value

Is it possible to reference this attribute within Confluence and Jira?

Thanx in advance.

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Robert Chang
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 6, 2013

Hi Peter,

I'm afraid that's not possible at this time. The Crowd custom user attributes cannot be synced to JIRA/Confluence.

Here are the feature requests relevant to what you're describing:

The second one is a little more broad request for Confluence to be able to set custom user attributes in profiles. However both of these features would be directly relevant to what you're hoping to do. Please vote/watch/comment as desired on the tickets.



Peter Ebbelink February 13, 2013

Thanx Robert,

I'll vote them.

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