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licensing issue

Thomas Niemann June 5, 2018

As a Software vendor we have purchased 50 user starter Edition to test crowd

We´ve connected it to our active Directory, and now we cannot Access the System as we have more than 50 AD Users.

We would disconnect the ad, but we cannot enter the configuration:

"Your current license does not permit the number of users you have configured in Crowd, please upgrade to a new license, or contact Atlassian sales support."


What can we to to enter the Software und unconfigure the ad?

3 answers

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Thomas Niemann June 8, 2018

Reinstalled - "solved"

Strange Problem...

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 8, 2018

Yes, it is, definitely. Did you reconfigure everything or did you import an XML backup (in which case that would be incredibly strange!) ?

0 votes
Thomas Niemann June 7, 2018

ok, i´ve received a eval licence. The strange Thing is, that now i cannot Login with the admin user as it says "Invalid Login". But the Password wasn´t changed...

Please help again!

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 7, 2018

Have you tried to clear your cookies or restart your browser?

Thomas Niemann June 7, 2018

yes, i even used a different browser, no cuccess

i used this statement

select * from cwd_user u
 join cwd_membership m on join cwd_group g on
 join cwd_directory d on

and i see the field active = T - is this right?

Thomas Niemann June 7, 2018

select * from cwd_user u
 join cwd_membership m on join cwd_group g on
 join cwd_directory d on
  where g.group_name = 'crowd-administrators' and d.directory_type='INTERNAL';

(last line was missing)

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 7, 2018

Looks good.

Anything in apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out or <crowd.home>/logs/atlassian-crowd.log ?

Thomas Niemann June 7, 2018

2018-06-07 17:08:29,553 http-nio-8095-exec-17 INFO [crowd.console.action.Login] The user: 'niemann.thomas' attempted to login with an inactive account

But it is (the only) admin account. Seems it was deactivated. i´ve tried to set the user from T to F but it does not work...

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 7, 2018

Is the 'crowd-administrators' group active as well? (you should get two 'ACTIVE' fields when running the previous SQL query, the second one actually being the crowd admin group's state)

Thomas Niemann June 7, 2018

actueally i got three times Active, but the log still says

...attempted to login with an inactive account

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 8, 2018

What if you create another admin account? (step 4 of this procedure)

Thomas Niemann June 8, 2018

same here. i´ve followed the steps, but admin is an invalid Login... :-(

0 votes
Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 5, 2018

Hi @Thomas Niemann

You just need to go to and generate an evaluation license for unlimited users as explained on this page:

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