apache 2.2.17 mod_authnz_crowd

Sagy Volkov December 26, 2011


My customer needs (for some reason) to use a compied version of apache and not the default that comes with RHEL5.5.

In order to install the crowd module I've downlowded the RPM for RHEL5.5.

the apache install is at /usr/local/apache

I've "opened" the RPM (rpm2cpio mod_authnz_crowd-2.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm | cpio -imvd) and copied the modules (modules/mod_authnz_crowd.so and mod_authz_svn_crowd.so) to /usr/local/apache/modules.

the scriplet inside the rpm is using apxs to compiile and updated httpd.conf. I've made sure to use the right apxs:

# ./bin/apxs -e -a -n authnz_crowd mod_authnz_crowd.so

[activating module `authnz_crowd' in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf]

as you can see its installed correctly and httpd.conf was updated correctly:

#grep crowd conf/httpd.conf

LoadModule authnz_crowd_module modules/mod_authnz_crowd.so

when I started apache, I can see the module:

# ./bin/apachectl -k start

[Tue Dec 27 07:08:09 2011] [notice] mod_authnz_crowd 2.0.1 installed.

and then:

# ./bin/httpd -M|grep crowd

[Tue Dec 27 07:08:28 2011] [notice] mod_authnz_crowd 2.0.1 installed.

Syntax OK

authnz_crowd_module (shared)

so all is loaded and working.

however, when I add authentication to httpd.conf:

AuthName "Please enter your NT account information"

AuthType Basic

AuthBasicProvider Crowd

CrowdAppName ZZZZZ

CrowdAppPassword YYYYY

CrowdURL _http://someurl:8095/crowd/

Require valid-user

and just try to verify the httpd.conf syntax, I get:

# ./bin/apachectl -t

[Tue Dec 27 07:09:36 2011] [notice] mod_authnz_crowd 2.0.1 installed.

Syntax error on line 161 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

Invalid command '\xc2\xa0', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

4 answers

0 votes
Arseny Kovalchuk December 28, 2011

Nice to hear that you have solved it. I ususlly use 'mc' to see such incorrect symbols, it might be not only BOM but some other, that are not recognized as ascii.

0 votes
Sagy Volkov December 28, 2011

I've tried dos2unix but it didn't help.

I had to manually type the whole httpd.conf section and that solved it.

0 votes
Arseny Kovalchuk December 27, 2011

My thought is that the httpd.conf was saved with UTF-8 encoding with BOM. Open the file in midnight commander F4 and look at the begginning of the file. If you see some not readable symbo;s, just remove them and save with F2.

0 votes
Sagy Volkov December 27, 2011

any thoughts/help?

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