Using the crowd client api 2.2.2, and trying to query for all inactive users (Boolean) fails

Terry Jeske December 18, 2011

We are trying to query crowd for inactive users:


Collection<searchrestriction> restrictions = new ArrayList<searchrestriction>();

TermRestriction<boolean> test = new TermRestriction<boolean>(UserTermKeys.ACTIVE, MatchMode.EXACTLY_MATCHES, new Boolean(false));


List<user> tmp = crowdClient.searchUsers(Combine.allOf(restrictions), 0, 1000);


This give the following error:


2011-10-31 11:05:23,804 ERROR CrowdUserAccessorDaoImpl:159 - Operation Failed Exception with message Boolean restrictions for property active are not supported

com.atlassian.crowd.exception.OperationFailedException: Boolean restrictions for property active are not supported





Note that we have the same issue with Date restrictions.

2 answers

0 votes
Andrew_Sheedy December 9, 2012

The trouble though Jeremy is that active is not an attribute of the user but rather some arbitrary property. I've attempted to do something similar here too, but have had to resort to testing for the presense of the active property once fetching the users.

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Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 19, 2011

Here's the code from

    private Filter booleanTermRestrictionAsFilter(final EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, final PropertyRestriction<Boolean> termRestriction, LDAPPropertiesMapper ldapPropertiesMapper)
        // if boolean term restrictions are for anything other than the group/user active flag, then throw exception
        if (termRestriction.getProperty() != GroupTermKeys.ACTIVE && termRestriction.getProperty() != UserTermKeys.ACTIVE)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean restrictions for property " + termRestriction.getProperty().getPropertyName() + " are not supported");

So, it looks like you can't define your own TermRestriction, as it won't match that comparison.

Instead, why not get all users, then query to see if they're active?

From the REST Resources:

&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  &lt;user name="username" expand="attributes"&gt;
  &lt;display-name&gt;First Last&lt;/display-name&gt;
    &lt;link rel="self" href="link_to_user_attributes"/&gt;
    &lt;link rel="edit" href="link_to_user_password"/&gt; &lt;!-- /user/password?username=&lt;username&gt; --&gt;
    &lt;value&gt;password&lt;/value&gt; &lt;!-- only used when creating a user, otherwise not filled in --&gt;

Looks like there's a 'active' attribute there. Maybe you can use that, and assemble a list by adding it to a data structure after iterating through all the users?

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