Resetting crowd admin password isn't working

JB Segal
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July 22, 2020

[Note: I inherited this installation and am trying to keep it going as I plan upgrades. I know it's out of date. I am an almost total novice with Crowd. I had never even heard of it before starting this job, despite years as a Jira and Confluence user.]

I've got a Crowd3.1.2 install that I reset the PW on about 4 months ago, the last time something went weird. I was, at that time, able to login and deal with things.

I came back to it today as I was starting down a path of various upgrades.

I discovered that the admin user wasn't working with the pw I was sure I had set back then.

I went back to and did all the things, setting the the 'crowdAdmin' user's pw as pre-hashed in that article. The DB agrees that it's set right:

| 65537 | crowdAdmin | crowdadmin | T | 2015-02-27 07:28:39 | 2020-02-14 17:16:57 | JB | jb | Segal | segal | JB Segal - crowdAdmin | jb segal - crowdadmin | email@add.r | email@add.r | 08d30d58-54d2-46b5-b8dd-24cbe6ffbb26 | 32769 | {PKCS5S2}8WEZjkCbLWysbcbZ5PRgMbdJgJOhkzRT3y1jxOqke2z1Zr79q8ypugFQEYaMoIZt |

and yet, when I try to login, I get "Invalid login." and a url ending in login.action?error=true.

When I try to login I get some warnings (with absurdly long java callback lists)

2020-07-23 02:41:53,886 http-nio-8095-exec-25 WARN [webresource] error in `Content.writeTo` for com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-page-layout/adg-page-layout.css
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.DownloadException: Unable to stream to the output

2020-07-23 02:41:53,893 http-nio-8095-exec-25 WARN [webresource] error in `Content.writeTo` for com.atlassian.auiplugin:ajs-gadgets-base/basic.css
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.DownloadException: Unable to stream to the output

but that seems to be unrelated (and turning off compression in the server.xml didn't help, unsurprisingly).

Does anyone have any paths for me to go down looking for this?


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