Required plugins failed to initialise. Please check the logs for errors and restart Crowd.

Deva B Santa
I'm New Here
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June 21, 2023

Not enabled: com.atlassian.oauth.consumer, com.atlassian.applinks.applinks-plugin, com.atlassian.crowd.crowd-sync-feedback, Atlassian LESS Transformer Plugin, com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.sal, com.atlassian.crowd.crowd-frontend-plugin,, Crowd REST API, Crowd REST API - Application Management, com.atlassian.sal.crowd, Crowd Monitoring Plugin, jquery, Atlassian Plugins - Web Resources - Implementation Plugin, Atlassian Spring Scanner Annotations, Atlassian UI Plugin, Atlassian Plugins - Web Resources REST, com.atlassian.templaterenderer.api, com.atlassian.templaterenderer.atlassian-template-renderer-velocity1.6-plugin, Atlassian Spring Scanner Runtime, Crowd REST Admin API, Atlassian Soy - Plugin, com.atlassian.oauth.consumer.sal, com.atlassian.applinks.applinks-oauth-plugin, com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider


The server stops automatically after it starts. Any clue.

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