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Remove user from all the groups when active is false

Avinash January 22, 2020


I am trying to see the best way to remove a user from all the groups when the user status (active) is false from Crowd. 

1. Is there any api call to remove from all the groups instead of specifying groups ? 

2.  Is there any api call to get the status of user directly ? 

1 answer

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jameshartleroad January 24, 2020

I use two api calls to do this the disabling a user. 

The first is a get to usermanagement/1/user/group/direct passing in the username as a parameter.  Get the group names from the name key from each object in the groups array of the response.

The second api call is a delete to usermanagement/1/user/group/direct passing in the username and groupname as parameters.

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